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Conferring of Higher Degrees, Dec23

Academic Teaching

Conferring of Higher Degrees December 2023

Congratulations to the MSc Classes of 2023 who were conferred with their degrees on 5th December.
Well done to the medal winners in each class:

Catherine (Renee) Kelly Award (Biotechnology): 
Brid Parker
MSc. Biotherapeutics Medal:
Joint winners, Meghan Mano and Marta Geszczak
MSc Regulatory Affairs and Toxicology Medal:
John Rowe
MSc in Biotechnology and Business Medal:
Isaac Sylvester


MSc Biotherapeutics and Business Medal
Heather Loughnane

Congratulations to the following who were conferred with the degree of PhD on 5th December 2023
  • Tristan Nolan  (Supervisor, W. Meijer) PhD
  • Aoife Cosgrave  (Supervisor, D. Costello) PhD
  • Cara Gaffney  (Supervisor, Y. Yan) PhD
  • Maria Elena Garcia Pardo  (Supervisor, N. O’Sullivan) PhD
  • Niamh A Martin  (Supervisor, W. Meijer) PhD
  • Ashish J Neve  (Supervisor, J. Rauch) PhD
  • Niamh Moreton  (Supervisor, J. O’Connor) PhD
  • Jayne Stephens  (Supervisor, W. Meijer) PhD 

Contact the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science

H1.38 O’Brien Centre for Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2130 | E: undergrad.sbbs@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)