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Funded PhD position 2

Funded PhD Position in “Extramedullary disease in Multiple Myeloma - Finding new therapeutic targets by dissecting the cell heterogeneity with an integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analysis”.

Dr. Despina Bazou ((opens in a new window)https://people.ucd.ie/despina.bazou/about)

UCD School of Biomolecular & Biomedical Sciences (SBBS)

UCD Conway Institute

Project funded by SFI-IRC Pathway Programme


Project description: Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a neoplastic plasma cell disorder characterised by clonal proliferation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow. MM is the second most common haematological malignancy worldwide, while in Ireland about 361 people are diagnosed with MM every year. Despite improved survival rates, therapy is not curative and all patients ultimately relapse. MM can eventually progress to extramedullary disease (EMD), which indicates that malignant plasma cells migrate outside of the bone marrow. To date, no official guidelines regarding EMD treatment are available globally. Thus, clinicians treat it as the primary disease, despite being known that EMD is already resistant to MM first-line therapy. There is urgent need to elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind EMD metastasis and identify therapeutic targets that can arrest EMD and thus extend overall patient survival. To address this need, this project will implement a Multi-Omics approach to: i) identify the transcriptomic and proteomic profile that discriminates EMD from non-EMD MM disease; ii) investigate the role of immune cells in EMD development; iii) identify novel MM chemoresistance signatures that define EMD development; iv) establish the causality of the transcriptomic/proteomic profile of EMD patients in established MM cell lines. The results originating from this project will allow for an informed optimisation of EMD treatment and assist in prioritising efficient and precision treatment for pre-EMD MM patients.

We seek one motivated and enthusiastic PhD candidate to work on this exciting project aiming to identify new therapeutic targets that would arrest the development of aggressive extramedullary disease (EMD) in MM patients, with the ultimate goal of supporting the implementation of precision medicine approaches that can trigger an important and lasting effect in patients. The PhD candidate will be trained and will employ a range of novel technologies including transcriptomics (bulk and single cell) and proteomics, cell and molecular biology techniques. In addition, the PhD candidate will undertake a 4-month secondment in the lab of Dr. Ryan ((opens in a new window)https://people.ucd.ie/colm.ryan, UCD School of Computer Sciences) where they will be trained in data analytics and computation analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic data. Finally, the PhD candidate will liaise with clinical colleagues at the Mater and Vincent’s hospital for the collection of MM patient samples.

Requirements: The candidates should have a good primary degree (first or 2.1 Honours) and/or Master’s in Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology or cognate disciplines. They should be prepared to work in a professional manner in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team and engage with collaborators. Candidates should demonstrate the ability to write reports, prepare journal articles, deliver presentations, work independently and as part of a team. Previous lab experience and publications and/or experience in Omics technologies are a significant advantage.

Awards: The PhD will be conducted under the primary supervision of Dr. Despina Bazou at UCD SBBS.  They will have access to core technologies in genomics, imaging, and flow cytometry at UCD Conway Institute. A yearly living stipend of €22,000 and contribution to university fees for four years. Both EU/UK candidates are welcomed.

Stipend for each scholarship: €22,000 (tax-free) per annum plus tuition fee contributions of €5,500 p.a.

Project Duration: 4 years

Deadline to submit applications: 28th June 2024, 5 p.m. Irish Standard Time.

Expected project commencement date: September 2024


Application procedure: To apply, please email full CV (3-page max) and a cover letter (2-page max) by the deadline to (opens in a new window)despina.bazou@ucd.ie. Please provide any relevant details on research/work experience and study motivation in your CV and cover letter. In your CV, please provide contact details of two referees (we will not contact them without your permission).  Informal queries on the project can be made to Dr Despina Bazou ((opens in a new window)despina.bazou@ucd.ie). 

Contact the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science

H1.38 O’Brien Centre for Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2130 | E: undergrad.sbbs@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)