Student Societies
As a student in our School you may be interested in joining one of the related student societies. For more information see the (opens in a new window)UCD Student Societies webpage
The Science Society
The UCD (opens in a new window)Science Society is responsible for Science Day, the Science Ball, Pubathon, Fight Night, the infamous Jock Walk. The most famous event is the annual charity 'Sci-cle' to Galway covering 200km over 2 days. All proceeds from events go DIRECTLY to charity.
Every year we bring great nights out, even better nights in, and loads more throughout. Interested? Get involved in one of UCD's best and liveliest societies!
Follow us on Twitter (opens in a new window)@UCDScienceSoc, and add us on (opens in a new window)Facebook.
The Biological Society (Biosoc)
The Microbiology Society (MicroSoc)
The Microbiology Society aims to bring together students and staff members alike at UCD with an interest in all aspects of microbiology. The main goal of the society is to provide an accessible platform where everyone, from the most seasoned microbiologists to mere microbiology enthusiasts, can share ideas and experiences in a fun and relaxed environment.
If you would like to join us to expand your microbiology network, make new friends or just to learn more about what we do, come along to any of our events or simply contact us on Facebook ((opens in a new window)ucdmicrosoc), Twitter ((opens in a new window)@ucdmicrosoc) or you can join up through the Google form (opens in a new window)here
We look forward to welcoming you to our ever growing micro-world!
(opens in a new window)Pharmtoxis a society designed to bring together not only biomolecular and biomedical students, but all students who share an interest in drug discovery, health, and their societal implications. Pharmtox offers a range of events including career evenings, get-togethers, debates, informal talks, and an annual ball, with an aim to raise money for charity.
By joining Pharmtox, you will be gaining the advantage of meeting other undergraduates, postgraduates, and members of the general public while engaging in either social activities, or events related to the world of pharmaceuticals.
Follow us on Twitter(opens in a new window)@PharmToxUCD, or add us on(opens in a new window)Facebook.