International Students

Our School is committed to engaging with the international community.
We welcome applications from international students for undergraduate courses (full courses or selected modules), masters courses (taught and by research) and Ph.D. programmes.
To see student videos and blogs from our international undergraduate and posgraduate students click here

Studying full-time at UCD
If you wish to study full-time at UCD please contact our International Office here

Coming to UCD on Exchange
We actively participate in student exchanges at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
If you wish to come to UCD on an exchange as part of your undergraduate studies you can get full information from our International office here and you can also contact our International office by email as follows:
Information for students coming from one of our partner Universites in Europe please email (opens in a new window)incoming.erasmus@ucd.ie
Information for students coming from one of our partner Universites outside Europe please email (opens in a new window)incoming.exchanges@ucd.ie