UCD College of Science Teaching and Learning

Teaching & Learning Resources
In the College of Science, we pride ourselves on continually striving to provide the very highest standards of education for all our students. To assist our dedicated staff in achieving this goal, we have introduced this repository of teaching and learning information that we hope will assist you in your day-to-day educational duties.
These pages include valuable information, for example, contact details, instructional videos and PDF guides to using Brightspace, plus many other useful resources. This will also be a space where we will advertise upcoming workshops that will be run by our college educational technologist, Aoife Reilly. Finally, we will also be adding more to the site throughout the upcoming academic year and therefore greatly welcome any further suggestions that you may have for additional content.
We hope you find this site useful.
Dr Gavin Stewart
Vice-Principal for Teaching & Learning, College of Science
Educational Technologies
If you are looking for support and expertise in the UCD core educational technologies, including the Virtual Learning Environment (Brightspace), video management (YuJa) and student response systems (Poll Everywhere), click on the button below to access resources, how-to guides and video guides.