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UCD Sustainable Energy Community

The UCD Sustainable Energy Community is a group of professionals, students and staff members at the University College Dublin. Our goal is to engage and educate the UCD community on sustainable energy practices and research, with a view to reducing carbon emissions in our local area, targeting the following objectives:

  • Develop skills and capacity in energy efficiency at a UCD community level
  • Promote the adoption of lower carbon options for transport and heating
  • Promote investment, research and education in smart and renewable energy technologies in UCD
  • Create opportunities for successful collaborations in sustainable energy community initiatives.


In February 2024, Paula Carroll (UCD College of Business) gave a UCD Earth Institute coffee morning research talk on Sustainable Energy Communities: UCD leading (lighting?) the way.

Abstract: EU citizens are anticipated to play a central role in the future EU clean energy system. Community groups will engage in renewable energy generation, and energy sharing or trading, storage, or supply. Ireland’s community energy sector is at an early stage of development. The Commission for Regulation of Utilities is adapting the regulatory framework, and “Sustainable Energy Communities” are proposed by the SEAI as a stepping stone to engage citizens. In this talk Paula Carroll highlighted SEC-OREA (Supporting Energy Communities - Operations Research and Energy Analytics), an IRC funded CHIST-ERA project.

UCD Sustainable Energy Community

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: paula.carroll@ucd.ie