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Green Week Energy Hack

Green Week 2025 is here!

Join us from Monday 3 March to Friday 7 March as we celebrate UCD's commitment to sustainability and environmental initiatives.

Don't miss the Energy Hack, an Energy Awareness event hosted by the UCD Sustainable Energy Community on Tuesday, 4 March, from 10:00AM to 12:00PM in UCD Village.

Discover cutting-edge UCD energy research, meet special guest partners like (opens in a new window)Wind Energy Ireland, the (opens in a new window)Irish Solar Energy Association and the (opens in a new window)Heat Pump Association of Ireland, and take on the (opens in a new window)Pedal Bike Energy Challenge - can you power up with your own energy?

Get involved, get inspired, and go green!

Laboratory equipment

Lab energy efficiency project

Did you know that research labs are some of the biggest energy users in universities?

Equipment like refrigerators and freezers run 24/7, consuming a huge amount of power. This project is all about finding smarter, more efficient ways to use cooling equipment in UCD labs.

While there are challenges—like strict technical standards and regulations—there’s also a big opportunity to cut energy waste, save money, and reduce carbon emissions.

By analysing energy usage patterns and exploring solutions like dynamic power management, we aim to make lab cooling more efficient and sustainable.

Profile pictures of UCD SEC members

An Uber-Sustainable Energy Community for Higher Education in Ireland?

Sustainability has become an integral part of third-level education and training. As well as an explosion in sustainability and related degrees and modules, students and staff across campuses are often keen to reduce waste and carbon emissions.

Many Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are now making sustainability a priority both in policy and practice, with initiatives such as plastic-free campuses and local clean energy schemes in the form of heat pumps and solar panels.

So, can HEIs in Ireland work together to have even more impact on energy sustainability? That’s what representatives from around Ireland set out to discuss at a recent gathering in May 2024.

The meeting, hosted by University College Dublin’s Sustainable Energy Community (SEC), welcomed representatives from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and its mentor network, the EU-funded AURORA project and HEIs including Atlantic Technological University (ATU - Galway, Mayo and Sligo), Dublin City University (DCU), Technological University of Dublin (TU Dublin), University of Galway (UG) and UCD.

Sustainable Energy Communities (SECs) are an initiative of the SEAI that look to engage and enable energy citizens to work together to achieve their energy goals. One of the key topics up for discussion at the UCD workshop was whether and how HEIs in Ireland should pool resources and approaches and build such a community.

The meeting heard from individual institutions about their current practices and challenges, where local SECs seek to lead the energy transition in their locality, in some cases through an active leadership role and demonstrating energy efficiency and emission reduction in action.

Martin Brocklehurst spoke about the EU-funded (opens in a new window)AURORA project, which empowers several thousand citizens across five locations in Denmark, England, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain to make more informed energy decisions.

One of the key messages from the meeting was that HEIs have a significant opportunity to reach many students and staff now and impact their behaviours into the future. HEIs also offer an environment for mixing research and education for energy sustainability, for example through ‘living labs’.

The discussion highlighted that HEI’s face some similar challenges around sustainable energy and can so share best practice, though each locality may have its own nuances and opportunities for positive change.

Given the diversity of approaches taken by the HEIs, further thought is needed on whether a Community of Common Interest could be beneficial, or if a looser network of HEI SECs would be more useful.

Next year will see another workshop to map communalities and share progress.

You can read the full report here.

In February 2024, Paula Carroll (UCD College of Business) gave a UCD Earth Institute coffee morning research talk on Sustainable Energy Communities: UCD leading (lighting?) the way.

Abstract: EU citizens are anticipated to play a central role in the future EU clean energy system. Community groups will engage in renewable energy generation, and energy sharing or trading, storage, or supply. Ireland’s community energy sector is at an early stage of development. The Commission for Regulation of Utilities is adapting the regulatory framework, and “Sustainable Energy Communities” are proposed by the SEAI as a stepping stone to engage citizens. In this talk Paula Carroll highlighted SEC-OREA (Supporting Energy Communities - Operations Research and Energy Analytics), an IRC funded CHIST-ERA project.

UCD Sustainable Energy Community

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: paula.carroll@ucd.ie