If you have any (opens in a new window)symptoms of Covid-19 you should stay in your room until 48hrs after your symptoms are almost or fully gone and wear a mask if you have to be around other people.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice and Information
Current Covid-19 Advice
Under current Government and HSE advice there are no restrictions to any University activities due to Covid. All University activities may proceed as normal.
Minimising The Risk From Covid-19
Notwithstanding the absence of restrictions on University events, there are steps that all persons can take to further minimise the risks from Covid:
- Get a vaccination against Covid 19
- Wash your hands often
- Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
- Take a considered approach to attending large gatherings or crowded places
- Where possible maintain a distance from others
- Consider wearing a mask
- Open windows to facilitate ventilation / ensure that a room’s mechanical ventilation is running when a room is in use
- If you have any (opens in a new window)symptoms of Covid-19 you should stay in your room until 48hrs after your symptoms are almost or fully gone and wear a mask if you have to be around other people.
- Persons who are at (opens in a new window)higher risk from Covid 19 should continue to take care.
At this time the advice from the HSE is that widespread self-testing for Covid 19 Is not required. However in some circumstances the use of Rapid Antigen Tests is advised. Similarly access to PCR testing for Covid 19 is restricted to certain groups. See (opens in a new window)here for the most up to date testing advice.
At this time the University no longer requires persons to notify it about their positive diagnosis.
If engaged in international travel you should familiarise yourself with the current requirements in place for both travel to your destination and your return to Ireland. You should consider Covid requirements at your destination, particularly what you are required to do if you test positive for Covid when abroad. Further advice on University travel and travel insurance can be found here.
Further information on the University’s Covid 19 Risk Assessment can be found here.
Details on these committees can be found here . These committees have both paused their work but have not been disbanded and are available to reconvene if needed.
Information on Ventilation in UCD buildings can be found here Ventilation
Sources Of Information
(opens in a new window)Department Foreign Affairs Travel Advice