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Chemical and Nanomaterial Safety

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Chemical Agents and Nanomaterial Safety

The incorrect or unsafe use of chemical agents, including nano materials can give rise to a risk of significant injury or bodily harm. Some chemicals have the ability to pose an immediate threat to life itself if used incorrectly; whilst others such as carcinogens can give rise to long term health effects. Any staff or postgraduate student planning to work with chemicals must complete a (opens in a new window)Chemical Agents Risk Assessment in advance of starting work. For work with nanomaterials, a Nanomaterials Risk Assessment must also be completed.

The SIRC Office has prepared a number of general risk assessments for chemical agents to aid workers is addressing the hazards posed by various classes of chemicals. The ultimate aim of a (opens in a new window)Chemical Agents Risk Assessment is to assess the risk from the use / presence of a chemical agent in the University, to the health and safety of persons and to identify control measures designed to reduce the risk from those chemicals to as low a level as possible. These documents must be reviewed by chemical users in order to ensure that they adequately manage the risks posed by the specific chemicals that they use and the processes that they undertake.

(opens in a new window)Click Here to View completed General Risk Assessments

(opens in a new window)In the event that a general chemical agent risk assessment is not sufficient to control the risk posed by a chemical, then there are options available to a chemical user:

  • General chemical agents risk assessments can be modified to include additional risk control measures and more specific information on the chemical in question (not applicable to carcinogens and / or mutagens).
  • The chemical user can complete a new risk assessment using the UCD Pro Forma Chemical Agents Risk Assessment Template.
  • The chemical user can use their own designed template.

In order to complete a risk assessment, the (opens in a new window)Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for every chemical under review, along with the ‌(opens in a new window)UCD Chemical Safety Manual, must be available for consultation.

All manufacturers / suppliers have a statutory duty to supply you with a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for their products. An SDS must be readily available / accessible for all chemicals that are in use in the lab and must be consulted when completing a (opens in a new window)Chemical Agents Risk Assessment.

SDS must be of recent origin referencing the newer labelling system and must comply with the relevant EU directives. 

It is understood that it is impractical in some cases to hold an SDS for every chemical in use in the lab in a paper format within the lab. At a minimum it is suggested that paper copies of SDS for the following types of chemicals be kept in the lab:
o    All chemicals held in a volume over 1 litre / 1 kg
o    All carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic chemicals
o    All very toxic and toxic chemicals
o    All chemicals utilised on a daily basis
o    All chemicals whose usage is deemed to be of a moderate risk or higher following a risk assessment.
For other groups of chemicals SDS can be accessed when required via the internet.

The use of Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic Substances (CMR'S) must be subjected to a specific risk assessment. The use of a CMR must be fully justifiable over the use of a less hazardous chemical.

The UCD Chemical Agents Risk Assessment Template can be used for this purpose. Reference is also made to completed Chemical Agents Risk Assessments. 

All employers are required under legislation ((opens in a new window)Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic Substances) Regulations, 2024 (S.I. No. 122 of 2024)) to retain records of the use of CMR's.

The regulations apply to Category 1A & 1B carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxic substances (as per CLP Regulation) and to Carcinogenic Substances, Mixtures and Processes as per Schedule 4 of the (opens in a new window)2024 Code of Practice.

While these regulations do not apply to category 2 substances, the form below does allow for the recording of these details. 

Users of carcinogens, mutagens and reproductive toxins may register their usage via the SIRC website using the form below this is in order to allow UCD to maintain records of their usage. 

To register the use of a CMR please complete the following form:

Contact UCD SIRC Office

University SIRC Office, Roebuck Castle, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8771 | E: sirc@ucd.ie