UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Newman Building (Room A301),
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4
How to contact us:
General Queries: (opens in a new window)slcl@ucd.ie
Graduate Studies Queries (MA/MLitt/PhD): (opens in a new window)slclgraduates@ucd.ie
Phone: 01 716 8302
URL: http://www.ucd.ie/slcl
School Office Staff

Melanie Pape
School Executive Administrator
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Queries, Social Media and Publicity, School EDI
Finding us
Our offices in Newman
We are located in the Newman Building (Arts Building) on the Belfield Campus, just off the N11 heading south out of Dublin. The School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics is on the third floor in area A and D. A yellow line marked on the floor will take you most of the way there.
We are in Building no. 41 on the UCD Campus Map.