Benvenuti nella sezione di studi italiani di UCD

Benvenuti and Welcome!
A warm welcome to the section of Italian Studies at UCD. The section of Italian Studies is part of the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics.
Scroll down for information on:
- Study Abroad
- Current Students
- Staff Contacts
- Research in Italian
- Foundation for Italian Studies

Study Abroad
Italian Studies runs study-year-abroad exchanges with 13 universities across Italy. They are all year-long exchanges, taken up at the end of second year, so the year abroad operates as the third year of a four-year BA course.
Find out more HERE.

Current students
Please find useful links below that will help and support you during your studies.
- Italian Curriculum & Reading List (coming soon)
- SLCL Forms and Policies
- (opens in a new window)UCD Italian Society
- Structured Elective in Italian
- Scholarships
- Arts and Humanities Programme Office

Staff in Italian
Please find contact details of staff in Italian, tutors and the School Office under the below links:

UCD Foundation for Italian Studies
The UCD Foundation for Italian Studies is the ‘Events and Publishing’ arm of the Italian Studies section of the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University College Dublin.
Find out more HERE.