UCD Foundation for Italian Studies
Current Director:
Dr Marco Bellardi (Head of Italian Studies)
Who we are
The UCD Foundation for Italian Studies is the ‘Events and Publishing’ arm of the Italian Studies section of the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University College Dublin. It was established in 1980 by then Professor of Italian David Nolan, and has been run since then by the head of Italian Studies at UCD. Its aim is the organization of cultural activities for the promotion of Italian Studies. These include public lectures, seminars, exhibitions and conferences, and the publication of monographs, literary texts, essays and other works of Italian interest.
For more information, please feel free to contact the current Director, Dr Marco Bellardi:
Dr Marco Bellardi,
UCD Foundation for Italian Studies,
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics,
UCD, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Email: (opens in a new window)italianfoundation@ucd.ie
Telephone: + 353 (0)1 716 8448

To date the Foundation has published close on 30 works. The majority are collections of essays on Dante, published in cooperation with The Four Courts Press, Dublin (and in earlier years with The Irish Academic Press). In the Belfield Italian Library series it publishes annotated editions of Italian literary texts aimed at the general reader. And it also publishes monographs and collections of articles on individual authors or themes.

Working Papers
Download the Foundation for Italian Studies Working Papers (opens in a new window)HERE.

News and Events
...coming soon...

Foundation for Italian Studies Scholarship
This partial fee Scholarship will be awarded for one year to a student of proven academic excellence to pursue postgraduate studies at MA / MLitt or PhD level in the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics with a specialisation in Italian Studies.
Click HERE or more information.