The organisers of the project:Charlie Stone (left), Ryan Callan (right) from UCD Estates Services, and Síofra Pierse (UCD SLCL) with learners and tutor Eva Carrillo (current MA Languages and Image Studies student).
Left to right: Assoc Prof Síofra Pierse (Head of School, UCD SLCL), Jennifer Velasco (Policy Coordinator, Government of Catalonia in the UK and Ireland), Pere Almeda (Director of Institut Ramon Llull),UCD President Orla Feely, Josep-Anton Fernàndez, (Director of Universities and Language, Institute Ramon Llull), Dr Eva Bru-Dominguez (Head of Spanish, UCD SLCL), Professor Regina Uí Chollatáin (Principal UCD College of Arts and Humanities), Marc Dueñas (Delegate of the Institut Ramon Llull in the UK and Ireland), Beatriu Daniel (arts producer) and Toni Jodar (artist and dance teacher)
From left to right: Assoc Prof Síofra Pierse (Head of School, UCD SLCL), Prof Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin), Assoc Prof Emerita Phyllis Gaffney (Adjunct Professor, UCD SLCL), Professor Grace Neville (Emerita, University College Cork), Dr Kelly Fitzgerald (Head of School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore)
From left to right: Assoc Prof Derval Conroy (UCD SLCL, Chair of the Examination committee), Lucille Raynal, Dr Isabelle Tremblay (Special External Examiner)
Official launch, from left to right: Assoc Prof Síofra Pierse (Head of School), Dr Marco Bellardi (Head of Italian), Jessica Fahy (Freelance Art Historian) and Marco Gioacchini (Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Dublin)
From left to right: Ms Ana Margarida Fernandes Alves (Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Portugal in Ireland), Mr Seán Gilley (Co-Director, Terroirs Importer and Retailer of Fine Wine, Donnybrook Dublin - Sponsors of Port Lecture), Mr Henrique Sousa de Azevedo (Deputy Ambassador and Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy of Portugal in Ireland), Mr Felipe Costi Santarosa (Deputy Ambassador and Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy of Brazil in Ireland), H.E. Bernardo de Lucena (Portuguese Ambassador to Ireland), Assoc. Prof. Síofra Pierse (Head of UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics and UCD Head of Portuguese), Dr Richard Mayson (Lecturer for Portuguese Day; expert on Port and Madeira), Prof. Colin Scott (UCD Registrar), Mme Françoise Gilley (Co-Director, Terroirs Importer and Retailer of Fine Wine, Donnybrook, Dublin - Sponsors of Port Lecture)
Conference organisers Dr Bianca Cataldi (third from left) and Dr Marco Bellardi (right) with invited keynote speakers and guests of 'Giuseppe Pontiggia: On the 20th anniversary of his death'.
Pictured here from left, at our end-of-year gathering to mark the end of the 2022/23 programme: Grace Roche, Eve Moore, Rebecca Duffy, Claudine McGovern, Francesca Young, Dr Derval Conroy, Alex Brown, Prof. Michael Brophy, Amy O'Shea, Iga Piotrowska.
From left to right: Dr Pascale Baker (secondary supervisor), Dr Marco Bellardi (internal examiner), Maria Polotto, Dr María Del Pilar Blanco (external examiner), Dr Síofra Pierse (chair), Dr Diana Battaglia (primary supervisor)
Director Miguel Gonçalves Mendes, Head of School Assoc Prof Síofra Pierse, Portuguese Ambassador H.E. Bernardo de Lucena and Dr Romeu Foz at the screening of 'Jose and Pilar'.
Congratulations to Assoc Prof Derval Conroy who has been awarded the distinction of the medal of 'Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques' by the French Embassy in recognition of her services to the promotion of French language and culture within the Irish educational context
Head of Chancellery Oscar Rafael Suarez Peña (Embassy of Peru), Deputy Head of School Assoc Prof Máire Ní Chiosáin (UCD SLCL, Linguistics), movie director Eduardo Guillot, Ambassador to Peru H.E. Ana María Sánchez Vargas De Ríos and Dr Mary Farrelly (UCD SLCL, Spanish)
H.E. Carla Serazzi (Ambassador of Chile to Ireland) and Dr. Síofra Pierse (Head of School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics UCD) at the Inaugural Event: Encounter Between Three Worlds
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8302