Mingxuan Wei
Thesis Working Title:Automatic Misogyny and Gendered Hate Speech Detection: A Study of the Interview between Ueno Chizuko and Vlogger Xixi Quan on Bilibili
Supervisor: Professor Bettina Migge
Bilibili, an ACGN (Animation, Comic, Game, and Novel) social media platform with significant traffic, provides a space for discussions on gender issues. However, misogynistic hate speech has become increasingly prevalent. The challenge in identifying misogyny on this platform lies in its anonymous nature, combined with the use of ACGN memes and "tucao" (roast) culture. This research focuses on analyzing online hate speech directed at women through online media content analysis and feminist critical discourse analysis. Data will be collected into a corpus and used for BERT-based automatic misogyny detection. The aim is to examine hate speech against women on Bilibili, ultimately leading to the design of a relevant corpus and detection model.