Professional Certificate in
Women and Substance Use
Online course - 4 months
Delivered in partnership with Urrus, Ballymun Youth Project

A new innovative online programme
This postgraduate online course seeks to provide key workers, social care workers, addiction counselors and those in related policy and health fields with the knowledge and expertise to respond to the complexity of women and substance use. Focusing on national and international contexts, this course provides an educational response to the complex issues of substance use, trauma histories, domestic violence, sex working, maternal roles and impact on family and children.

Sinead tells us of her experience of the course
"I reallly enjoyed completing this course. It gave me a great insight into the prevalence of substance use, and highlighted the complex links between trauma and substance use. The mix of [online] lectures, readings, interactive support and guidance from lecturers was fantastic.
As a medical social worker engaged in direct work with substance using pregnant women, I benefitted signficantly from completing this course and have already begun to initiate changes in my practice to become more trauma sensitive as a result.
I would highly recommend to anyone engaged in a professional capacity working with substance using women and families."
Sinead Stakelum - 2018 graduate