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School Seminar Series

School Seminar Series, 2024-25

The seminars are organised on behalf of the UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice (SPSWSJ) and, where indicated, also in conjunction with the three School's research centres, Equality Studies Centre (ESC), Centre for Gender, Feminisms & Sexualities (CGFS) and the Centre for Japanese Studies (UCD-JaSt) as well as the UCD Geary Institute. If you have any queries please email Maureen.Lyons@ucd.ie.

More details on upcoming seminars for new academic year will appear here over the coming weeks





(opens in a new window)Prof. Kosuke Imai (Professor of Government and of Statistics, Harvard University) Using Algorithms to Detect Gerrymandering and Improve Legislative Redistricting: Cases from the United States and Japan MORE



Old Physics Theatre, (opens in a new window)Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI, 86 St Stephen's Green, D02 XY43

Dr Toshiaki Segawa and Mr Toshihiko Tsuda (JATCO Ltd), with Dr Yukio Honda (University of Tokyo/Osaka Univ./Advisor for Care Robots, Health and Welfare Bureau for Older People , Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan)  Expanding the Mobility Potential of Ageing and Inclusive Society MORE

11/11/2024 1 - 1:50pm     

SCIH 2.22, O'Connor Theatre, O'Brien Science  Building, UCD, Belfield Campus


Research Seminar Archive





Ricardo Henrique Rao, indigenist and former employee in the Brazilian National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), "Indigenous land rights and the (in)action of an authoritarian State" MORE



Room L246, UCD School of Law.

Prof. Iwao Osaka (UCD Centre for Japanese Studies / Komazawa University), "Mediatization of Japanese Politics: the changing nature of political communication" MORE



Venue TBC; Hybrid

Assoc. Prof. Veronica Crossa (Urban Studies at El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City), 'Reinventing Morality: The Good Governance of Transportation in Mexico City' MORE


1-2 pm

Geary Seminar room, first floor.

Kieran Allen (UCD) and Brian O’Boyle (NUIG) who will discuss their book ‘Tax Haven Ireland’ MORE


1-2 pm

QUIN 013 Quinn Building UCD

MPP Research Seminar, Speaker Dr. Katy Wright, University of Leeds, 'Community resilience: policy, adversity and everyday life ' MORE



C001, UCD Hanna Sheehy Skeffington building, Belfield

Griet Roets & Dries Cautreels, "Deinstitutionalisation strategies in care policy and practice: from transition to transformation" Organised by Dr Sarah Donnelly MORE


4 to 6pm

Seminar Room, Geary Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield Campus, D4

Andrew Sayer, Balihar Sangera and Gideon Calder, "'Equality, Flourishing and Social Change: What now for political economy and social theory?'" Organised by Dr Marie Moran MORE


6 to 7:30pm

Webinar, link to follow

Dr Clarissa Giebel, "Policy Perspectives on the Future of Dementia Care in Ireland" Organised by Dr Maria Pierce MORE


2 to 4:30pm

Old Physics Theatre, UCD Naughton Joyce Centre, 86 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2

Prof. Tony Holohan, "How can systems thinking contribute to solving key challenges in Global Health" Organised by Dr Naonori Kodate MORE


4 to 6pm IST

MoLI – Museum of Literature Ireland 86 Saint Stephen's Green D02 XY43

Dr Ekaterina Domorenok, Professor of Political Science at the University of Padua, "Unpacking green and just transition policies: instruments and toolboxes" Organised by Dr Nessa Winston who leads the UCD Sustainable Wellbeing: Humans, Environment and liveability theme (SWEL) MORE




Dr Jurgen De Wispelaere, "A Pandemic Policy Puzzle: How COVID19 simultaneously promoted and sank the idea of a universal basic income" Organised by Dr Karen Smith and Dr Marie Moran MORE


6 to 7:30pm

Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

Dr Conor Little, " "The Irish Policy Agendas Project" Organised by Dr Stephan Koeppe MORE



Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

Dr Sarah Donnelly will lead the 1st of two seminars 'Understanding Carer Harm' with a presentation followed by a panel discussion MORE




Dr Lee Sobo-Allen ‘When the invisible become visible.’ An exploration of when non-resident fathers have been considered as a resource by social workers in Child Protection Practice. Organised by Joseph Mooney MORE


9am to 1pm

Village Auditorium, UCD Village, Belfield Campus, Dublin 4

Timo Harrikari, Research Professor; Essi Julin, Post-doctoral researcher; Linda Määttä, Researcher, "Silent agents affected by legislation – from an insufficient knowledge base to inclusive solutions (SILE). Organised by Joseph Mooney MORE


10am to 12 noon

Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4 

Dr Sarah Donnelly will lead the 2nd of two seminars 'Understanding Carer Harm' with a presentation followed by a panel discussion MORE


10am to 12pm


Professor Christine Sypnowich, "The Paradoxes of Jerry Cohen: Analytical Marxist, Liberal Egalitarian, Conservative" MORE


1 - 2 pm

A201 Hanna Sheehy Skeffington Building













24/09/21, 3pm

Webinar (Zoom)

Chiara Valsangiacomo, UCD PhD student

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

The Ungovernability Objection Against Liquid Democracy

14/10/21 4pm Webinar (Zoom)

Professor Susan Terrio, Georgetown University, Washington, USA

Organised by:Dr Ernesto Vasquez del Aguila; SPSWSJ with UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health System & Support of the Global Engagement Seed Fund 2020;

The Mouth of the Shark: Central American Mothers Seeking Refuge and Hope in the USA.

21/10/21, 3pm Webinar (Zoom)

Dr Raees Baig, Dept. of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Organised by: Dr Naonori Kodate; SPSWSJ with UCD Asia Pacific Research Network

Saving Muslim Women: Orientalist feminism in post- colonial Hong Kong

2/10/21, 3.30pm

Location: C001 Hanna Sheehy Building, UCD, Belfield, D4.

Dr Rana Javad, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Social and Policy Sciences, Centre for Analysis of Social Policy (CASP) University of Bath, UK

Organised by: Dr Stephan Koeppe; SPSWSJ Seminar Series & Master of Public Policy Programme

From deep states to facades: social policy as a new arena for political re-organisation in Arab countries

29/10/21, 3pm Webinar (Zoom)

Dr Cillian McBride, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, The Queen's University, Belfast, NI

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

Populism and the Politics of Recognition

24/11/21 6pm

Webinar (Zoom)

Ruben Flores, UCD

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

Rentier capitalism and countermovements in Central Asia: the moral economy perspective (Balihar Sanghera and Elmira Satybaldieva)

26/11/21, 3pm Webinar (Zoom)

Sergi Morales-Gálvez, Depart. of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

Linguistic Domination: A Republican Approach to Linguistic Justice

8/12/21, 2-4pm (GMT)

Webinar (Zoom)

Dr. Elora Lee Raymond, School of City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dr. Martine August, School of Planning, University of Waterloo, Ontario; Henry Gomory, Department of Sociology, Princeton University

Organised by: Dr Mick Byrne: Organised by the Equality Research Centre & School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice, UCD

Institutional landlords and the financialization of housing: evidence from leading North American researchers

17/12/2021, 3pm

Webinar (Zoom)

Professor John Barry, Queen's University Belfast, NI

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

Bookending growth: empire, ecocide and Ireland


Catherine O'Rourke, Prof. of Global Law at Durham Law School

Organised by:Prof. Aisling Swaine UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice & Assoc. Prof. Marie-Luce Paris, UCD Centre for Human Rights

Women’s Rights in Armed Conflict under International Law

28/01/22, 3pm Webinar

Ross Carroll Senior Lecturer, School of Politics,University of Exeter

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

Burke, the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, and the Two Faces of Abolition

08/02/22, 5.30pm

Location:Old Physics Theatre, MoLi – Museum of Literature

Ireland. UCD Naughton Joyce Centre, 86 St Stephen's Green, D2

Speakers: Prof. Bent Greve, University of Roskilde (Denmark);

Lesley Riddoch, journalist, author and founder of Nordic Horizons (Scotland);

Gary Gannon TD, Social

Democrats Spokesperson for Social Protection (Ireland)

Organiser: Dr. Stephan Köppe, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Nordic Welfare: The Bumblebee Still Flies

25/02/2022, 3pm

Webinar (Zoom)

Jeronimo Rilla University of Buenos Aires

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

What kind of group is Antifa?

25/02/2022, 2pm

Webinar (Zoom)

Dr Leeann Lane, Dept. of History and Geography, DCU;Dr Margaret Ward, Honorary Senior Lecturer in History at Queen’s University, Belfast;Dr Mary McAuliffe, Director of the Gender Studies Programme at UCD;Professor Caitriona Beaumont, Professor of Social History & Director of Research, School of Law and Social Sciences, London South Bank University, UK; Chair: Dr Fionnuala Walsh,  UCD School of History

Organised by: Dr Mary McAuliffe, in association with the Women's Histiory Association of Ireland (WHAI) and UCD Centre for Gender Feminisms and Sexualities (CGFS)

Cumann na mBan, the Anglo- Irish Treaty and the Split, 1922; A symposium


Webinar (Zoom)

Kazuto Suzuki Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo, Japan

Organised by: Dr Naonori Kodate; SPSWSJ.Hosted by UCD Centre for Japanese Studies and funded by the Embassy of Japan in Ireland

Economic Statecraft of the EU and Japan: the case of sanctions against the Russian invasion of Ukraine


Webinar (Zoom)

Alison Phipps, University of Newcastle, UK

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

'From ‘me, not you’ to all of us’ – An intersectional approach to tacking sexual violence


Webinar (Zoom)

William Ratoff, Trinity College Dublin

Organised by: Dr Marie Moran; Director ESC and co-convenor of the PSAI series

Rational Machines Should Not Be Voluntary Slaves

29/03/2022, 17:30 –

20:00 IST

Location: UCD Quinn School of Business- Room 014,UCD Campus, Belfield, Dublin

Anna Quigley, Citywide & Dr. Brian Melaugh, Maynooth University

Organised by: the School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice to mark the Retirement of Associate Professor Hilda Loughran from the School (Social Work).

Responding to a Community Drugs Problem – the link between Policy and Social Work Practice


1pmWebinar (Zoom)

Dr. Radhika Govinda, Senior Lecturer in Sociology & Acting Director, genderED, University of Edinburgh, UK

Organised by: Prof. Aisling Swaine, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Disrupting Coloniality in Feminist Teaching and Learning

08/04/2022, 4pm

Venue: C001 Agnes Maguire Social Work Building. UCD Belfield, D4

Dr Mary Murphy, Faculty of Social Sciences (Sociology)`, Maynooth University

Organised by: Prof. Matthew Donoghue, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

For more information please email: Matthew.Donoghue@ucd.ie

Is the pandemic a public policy accelerant?

12/04/22, 1pm Webinar (Zoom)

Catherine Turner, Assoc. Prof. of International Law and Deputy Director of the Durham Global Security Institute & Aisling Swaine,Professor of Gender Studies, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Organised by:Prof. Aisling Swaine, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

The Participation- Protection Nexus: Future Directions for the UN Security Council’s Women, Peace and Security Agenda

25/04/22, 5.30pm

Location: ocation: Old Physics Theatre, MoLi – Museum of Literature Ireland. UCD Naughton Joyce Centre, 86 St Stephen's Green, D2

Dr. Virpi Timonen, Professor, TCD School of Social Work & Social Policy/University of Helsinki, Finland

Dr. Karen Anderson, University College Dublin (Ireland);

Dr Nat O'Connor, Age Action Ireland

Long Term Care: A Social Investment

09/05/22, 5.30pm

Location: Old Physics Theatre, MoLi – Museum of Literature

Ireland. UCD Naughton Joyce Centre, 86 St Stephen's Green, D2

Dr. Johanna Lammi-Taskula, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (Finland);

Dr. Ingela Naumann, University of Edinburgh (Scotland);

Senator Regina Doherty, Leader of Seanad Éireann (Ireland)

Organised by:Dr. Stephan Köppe, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Towards Gender Equality: Parental Leave

19/05/22, 16:30pm

Dr Reima Ana Maglajlic, University of Sussex, UK

Organised by: Assoc. Prof. Muireann Ni Raghallaigh, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Email: Muireann.NiRaghallaigh@ucd.ie

'Madness' After War: Challenging dominant understandings of distress caused by political conflict through research co-production

26/05/2022 @ 10am Webinar (Zoom)

Dr Milena Buchs, Associate Professor in Sustainability, Economics and Low Carbon Transitions, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK; Dr Karen Anderson, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice; Organised by: Dr Nessa Winston, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice & UCD Earth Institute. Sustainable wellbeing: humans, environment, and liveability (SWHEL) is a

Strategic Priority of the UCD Earth Institute for 2021-2023. For more information Email: Nessa.Winston@ucd.ie

Just Climate Policies and Sustainable Welfare

Sustainability and Pensions

26/05/2022 @ 1pm Webinar

Co-chairs: Dr. Nita Mishra, Chair, Development Studies Association Ireland,

Convenor, Gender Study Group, DSAI

& Professor Aisling Swaine, Professor of Gender Studies, UCD

Leading speakers:

Kate Bruton, MA Gender, Politics and International Relations candidate at UCD; Egle Karpaviciute, MA Gender Studies candidate at UCD; Max Dippold, MA International Development candidate at UCD; Tara Hung

洪 藹 婷 MA Human Rights candidate at UCD; Berta Quinonero, Msc. Equality Studies

candidate at UCD; Jule Zeschky, MA Peace and Conflict candidate at UCD

Disrupting Frames: Gender, Harm and Predominant GBV Discourses

27/06/2022 @ 12:30

pm Webinar

We will hear from some of the authors of the briefing document:

Ahmad Albtran; Shawki Al-Dubaee; Heidar Al- Hashimi; Matida Nasi Beja; Neo Florence Gilson; Azad Izzeddin; Steve Kirkwood; Abdulai Mansaray; Sharon Dalani Mpofu; Muireann Ní Raghallaigh; Zoë O’Reilly; Karen Smith; Marwa


Research involving people of refugee background: considerations for ethical engagement





Ricardo Henrique Rao, indigenist and former employee in the Brazilian National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), "Indigenous land rights and the (in)action of an authoritarian State" MORE



Room L246, UCD School of Law.

Prof. Iwao Osaka (UCD Centre for Japanese Studies / Komazawa University), "Mediatization of Japanese Politics: the changing nature of political communication" MORE



Venue TBC; Hybrid

Assoc. Prof. Veronica Crossa (Urban Studies at El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City), 'Reinventing Morality: The Good Governance of Transportation in Mexico City' MORE


1-2 pm

Geary Seminar room, first floor.

Kieran Allen (UCD) and Brian O’Boyle (NUIG) who will discuss their book ‘Tax Haven Ireland’ MORE


1-2 pm

QUIN 013 Quinn Building UCD

MPP Research Seminar, Speaker Dr. Katy Wright, University of Leeds, 'Community resilience: policy, adversity and everyday life ' MORE



C001, UCD Hanna Sheehy Skeffington building, Belfield

Griet Roets & Dries Cautreels, "Deinstitutionalisation strategies in care policy and practice: from transition to transformation" Organised by Dr Sarah Donnelly MORE


4 to 6pm

Seminar Room, Geary Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield Campus, D4

Andrew Sayer, Balihar Sangera and Gideon Calder, "'Equality, Flourishing and Social Change: What now for political economy and social theory?'" Organised by Dr Marie Moran MORE


6 to 7:30pm

Webinar, link to follow

Dr Clarissa Giebel, "Policy Perspectives on the Future of Dementia Care in Ireland" Organised by Dr Maria Pierce MORE


2 to 4:30pm

Old Physics Theatre, UCD Naughton Joyce Centre, 86 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2

Prof. Tony Holohan, "How can systems thinking contribute to solving key challenges in Global Health" Organised by Dr Naonori Kodate MORE


4 to 6pm IST

MoLI – Museum of Literature Ireland 86 Saint Stephen's Green D02 XY43

Dr Ekaterina Domorenok, Professor of Political Science at the University of Padua, "Unpacking green and just transition policies: instruments and toolboxes" Organised by Dr Nessa Winston who leads the UCD Sustainable Wellbeing: Humans, Environment and liveability theme (SWEL) MORE




Dr Jurgen De Wispelaere, "A Pandemic Policy Puzzle: How COVID19 simultaneously promoted and sank the idea of a universal basic income" Organised by Dr Karen Smith and Dr Marie Moran MORE


6 to 7:30pm

Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

Dr Conor Little, " "The Irish Policy Agendas Project" Organised by Dr Stephan Koeppe MORE



Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

Dr Sarah Donnelly will lead the 1st of two seminars 'Understanding Carer Harm' with a presentation followed by a panel discussion MORE




Dr Lee Sobo-Allen ‘When the invisible become visible.’ An exploration of when non-resident fathers have been considered as a resource by social workers in Child Protection Practice. Organised by Joseph Mooney MORE


9am to 1pm

Village Auditorium, UCD Village, Belfield Campus, Dublin 4

Timo Harrikari, Research Professor; Essi Julin, Post-doctoral researcher; Linda Määttä, Researcher, "Silent agents affected by legislation – from an insufficient knowledge base to inclusive solutions (SILE). Organised by Joseph Mooney MORE


10am to 12 noon

Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4 

Dr Sarah Donnelly will lead the 2nd of two seminars 'Understanding Carer Harm' with a presentation followed by a panel discussion MORE


10am to 12pm


Professor Christine Sypnowich, "The Paradoxes of Jerry Cohen: Analytical Marxist, Liberal Egalitarian, Conservative" MORE


1 - 2 pm

A201 Hanna Sheehy Skeffington Building

Contact the UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8198 | E: sp-sw-sj@ucd.ie |