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PhD and Research Students

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(opens in a new window)Ishrat Ali

Thesis Title: Determinants of life expectancy in a socioeconomically poor and politically fragile state (Jammu Kashmir) of India
PhD student

Oksana Avendano Flores Damaris

Thesis Title: Social Impact Assessment of Bioenergy and Bioeconomy Development in Ireland
Supervisor: (opens in a new window)Egle Gusciute
Email: (opens in a new window)oksana.avendanoflores@ucdconnect.ie 

michael breslin

Michael Breslin

Thesis Title: Feud Violence in Ireland: A Sociological Perspective. 
Titas Biswas

Titas Biswas

Thesis Title: Fascist Accelerationism and the Curious Case of the Neo-Hindu Xenophobe
Aidan Byrne

Aidan Byrne

Thesis Title: The Role of Volunteering in the Formation and Development of the Irish Nation State: An Historical Sociology Perspective
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Olga Bzdawka

Thesis Title: Women’s life after the end of marriage: social structures and everyday lives of women in rural communities.
PhD student

Ritika Chaudhary

Thesis Title: The impact of communal violence on women in Uttar Pradesh, India
Supervisor: (opens in a new window)Lea David
Email: (opens in a new window)ritika.chaudhary@ucdconnect.ie

PhD student

Carlos Collado Garcia

Thesis Title: The role of emotions in climate activism, a comparative study of the Global North and South. A socio-cultural approach.
Supervisor: Egle Gusciute
Email: (opens in a new window)carlos.colladogarcia@ucdconnect.ie

PhD student

Maitiu De Hal

Thesis Title: An Fórsa Oibre le Gaeilge. Tráchtearrú na Gaeilge sa mhargadh saothair is a thionchar.
Adaku Ezeudo

Adaku Ezeudo

Thesis Title: Ethnic Diversity And Inclusion In Irish Film And Television

Daniel Guigui

Thesis Title: Mapping Cosmoscapes and Their Effects on Everyday Cosmopolitanism Across Four Irish Cities

Loghman Hamehmorad

Thesis Title: TBC
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Halyna Herasym

Thesis Title: Moral regulations of inequalities: the funerals of homeless people
aisling hudson

Aisling Hudson

Thesis TBC

(opens in a new window)Claire Mc Gettrick

Thesis Title: Illegitimate Knowledge? Pathologisations of Adopted People in Adoption Psychology and the Shaping of Adoption Policy
Supervisor: Seán L'Estrange
maria molinaro

Maria Giulia Molinaro

Thesis Title: To What Extent and With What Effects War, Understood as a Contemporary Historical Phenomenon, is Normalised
Xing Jiang

Xing Jiang

Thesis Title: A Study of the Digital Divide in Post- COVID19 World: The Elderly as a Case
Jianfei Niu

Jeffery Niu

Thesis Title: Are They Acculturating? Reconstruction of Gender roles in Chinese Families in Ireland
yuwen pan

Yuwen Pan

Thesis Title: An institutional study on China's modernisation and stability

Samuel Scanlon

Thesis Title: A Comparative Study of Tourism in Northern Ireland and Israel/Palestine
PhD student

Annsar Shahhoud

Thesis Title: The Social Caging: The Mass Violence in the City of Homs (1950-2017)
Supervisor: (opens in a new window)Sinisa Malesevic
Email: (opens in a new window)annsar.shahhoud@ucdconnect.ie

Candace Thomas

T hesis Title: Displacement to Placemaking: How the Kurdish Alevi, Iraqi Yazidi and Irish Travellers navigate identity and change over time, space and place.

Claudia Vlad 

Thesis Title: Cultural Heritage, civil resistance and transnational governmentality in East Jerusalem and the West Bank (from the Oslo Accords to today)
PhD student

Sofiya Volvakova

Thesis Title: Cultural mismatch and discipline gap in secondary schools in England, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland: A mixed-methods comparative examination

Supervisor: (opens in a new window)Sarah Carol

Email: (opens in a new window)sofiya.volvakova@ucdconnect.ie

Caroline Walsh

Thesis Title: An Exploration of the Irish State’s Immigration Policies and Procedures: An Archival Examination of Ireland's Immigration Legacy

Nada Yehia

Thesis Title: Between hospitalities and hostilities: cultivating  refugee agency in humanitarian encounters
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Yuchen Zhang

Thesis Title: When Women Wear Trousers: The Reversed Gender Role Distribution of households in China as Women’s Socioeconomic Status Raises

UCD School of Sociology

Newman Building (Room D401), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8263