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Jamie O'Sullivan

UCD Economics and Politics graduate Jamie O'Sullivan is currently currently working as Enterprise Growth Lead in Meta.

What are your fondest memories of UCD?

My great circle of friends, the state-of-the-art facilities along with the campus atmosphere all combined to create something special! Not to be overlooked is the lively Thursday market, where the delectable combination of Burger Republic's peppercorn sauce chips and a juicy burger never failed to disappoint!

What first sparked your interest in economics & politics and what did you enjoy about them?

Economics, with its pervasive influence on all facets of life drew me in. The Economics of Financial Crises module, taught by the engaging Morgan Kelly, brought theory into the stark reality of the 2007 US Financial Crisis. Writing an essay on the Crisis’s causes further deepened my interest, turning me into a self-proclaimed expert, especially when dissecting films like "The Big Short."

Surprisingly, politics became an unexpected fascination. While initially envisioning Irish politics and Brexit, I discovered a broader political landscape. Dr. Vincent Durac's modules on Middle East Politics and Terrorism & Political Violence in my final year proved particularly captivating. His openness to discuss diverse topics and the exploration of issues like the impact of oil on democracy in the Middle East fuelled my interest. These modules became the breeding ground for honing my essay-writing skills and conducting extensive research.

What career trajectory have you pursued since graduation?

Currently, I find myself fortunate to work with Meta, specifically in the Reality Labs division. In my role as an Enterprise Growth Lead, I engage in extensive outreach to expand our client base, build relationships, and manage existing accounts. Partnering with major enterprises like Volvo and Walmart for example, we leverage VR/AR technology to revolutionize their operations. It's a dynamic role that allows me to be at the forefront of pioneering technology.

How has your degree shaped your professional journey?

My degree has bestowed upon me valuable business acumen, a crucial asset in my current role. Additionally, the emphasis on robust writing, attention to detail, and advanced research skills have proven instrumental. Pursuing a Master's in management at Smurfit further refined my capabilities, laying a strong foundation for my career.

What advice would you share with current students contemplating a similar career path?

  1.   Choose a career path that genuinely excites you. Avoid pursuing roles solely based on societal expectations. I remember applying to lots of finance jobs because I liked the image of it. I had never been hugely enthusiastic with maths, so I am glad I went with tech sales. It is second nature to me and truly gets me excited to work every morning.
  2.   When I was in my first and second years in college, I had no idea of what I wanted to do. That’s okay, but if I would change anything it would be to think ahead and try to set yourself up as best as possible - whether it be an internship or doing well in your exams! It is competitive out there and I made it more difficult for myself, but we got there in the end!

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777