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The Social Sciences Desk

The Social Sciences Desk Team support undergraduate and graduate students studying Social Sciences. 

We are happy to support our students through walk-in, by email, phone or video call.  We also offer scheduled face-to-face appointments.

Our Social Sciences Desk webpage has lots of useful information as does our (opens in a new window)Social Sciences Connector

You can also contact a member of the team via our (opens in a new window)Connector if you cannot find answer to your question, so please do get in touch!

Contact the Social Sciences Team

UCD Social Sciences Desk

Room A102 Newman Building

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

Office Hours:


10am to 1pm | 2pm to 5pm

Tuesday - Friday

9.30am to 1pm | 2pm to 5pm

Contact us:

Telephone: 01 716 8292 or via our(opens in a new window)Connector

(opens in a new window)Submit your query anytime - we aim to respond as soon as possible (Monday to Friday)

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777