Subject conditions for Archaeology Single Major
You must be a current student on BHSOC010 studying Archaeology through a Joint Major, Major/Minor or Archaeology, Geography & History thematic.
- You must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.08 in Stage 2.
- You must be eligible to progress to Stage 3 in your degree (i.e. have no more than 10 credits outstanding in total across previous stages).
- Single Major students will complete the following in Stage 4:
- A Research Proposal (5 credits)
- A Research Project (15 Credits)
- ARCH30790 Communicating Archaeology
- For students transferring from the Archaeology, Geography and History programme, the above conditions apply, but in addition:
- If you have only taken THREE Level 1 Archaeology modules in Stage 1, then you need to take a fourth as their elective in Stage 3. This may impact international exchange or internship opportunities. Please discuss this with the School of Archaeology.
If you want to make an application to study Archaeology as a Single Major you should:
Email Dr Rob Sands (opens in a new window) and copy (opens in a new window) with the following information:
Your *student name, *student number, *your current subjects, *confirmation that you wish to apply for Archaeology Single Major.