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Outgoing Social Sciences with Humanities Minor

As a BSc Social Sciences major with Humanities (Art History, Celtic Civ, English, Geology, Greek & Rom Civ, History, Irish Folklore, Irish, Linguistics, Music) minor student, there are lots of exciting destinations available for you to study abroad during Stage 3.  Below is some important information to help you decide whether to apply for an exchange or Erasmus opportunity, but if you have any further questions, please contact the Global Engagement Programme Manager: (opens in a new window)outgoing.socialsciences@ucd.ie

BHSOC010 Exchange Programme & Subject Pathway Credit Requirements

Students studying abroad should  register to 30 ECTS at host university for one-trimester & 60 ECTS at host university for the full academic year (or Non-EU credit equivalent).

Exchange Duration

ECTS Credit Programme Requirements*

Credit Requirements breakdown per subject pathway

 One Trimester


Min of 20 ECTS

15 ECTS credits must be earned in your Single Major subject

The remaining 5 credits can be earned in your minor subject or electives.

 Full Year

Min of 45 ECTS

The majority of credits earned must be in your Social Sciences subject and 10 ECTS should be in your humanities minor subject.

You may also earn 10 ECTS in electives.

  • Note: Non-EU  Exchange  Credit equivalent is  applicable to students on an exchange outside Europe. Please see here for conversion guide.
  • You should be aiming to balance your academic workload over the two trimesters as evenly as possible. You are required to attend lectures during the whole academic year and the minimum number of credits that a student is required to take during any trimester is 20 ECTS. 

Destinations by Subject 

The desinations available for application are based on current agreements between UCD and our partner Universities. They may be listed as being available for only one trimester if UCD only has an agreement with one of your subjects or your second joint major subject is not delivered in the University (or on the same campus).

Please note: Destinations listed are for guidance and are subject to change, based on a number of factors, including availability of places and agreements with host universities. 

Destinations for 1 trimester by Social Sciences Subject (Archaeology, Economics, Geography, Info & Comm Studies, Maths/Stats, Philosophy, Politics & International Relations, Social Policy/Work/Justice, Sociology) are listed on the UCD Global website.

Studying for the full year:

  • Both major and minor subjects must be delivered in partner universities to be suitable for Major / Minor students. 
  • If you are interested in going on Erasmus for the full year, you must also get approval from both relevant academic exchange coordinator  at both home and host universities that confirms it will be possible for you to satisfy exchange programme requirements for both your Social Sciences Major and Humanities Minor subjects, presuming we don't have a subject-specific agreement for your Humanities minor.
  • In terms of non-EU exchanges, once the destination is approved for our college and offers enough courses for  both your subjects, to satisfy exchange programmme requirements, then you can list these.

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777