- Eligibility
Social Sciences students studying with a language minor will study abroad for a year (two trimesters) in stage 3, if you have earned 110 credits (60 in stage 1 including all required cores and 50 credits in Stage 2, including all required language cores).
Note: you will need to pass all your Stage 2 language modules before you can progress to take Stage 3 language modules.
Please note, host universities may have their own language eligibility criteria eg. some universities require a B1 in French (according to the common European frame of reference). UCD Global can assist you with this, subject to you passing all your stage 1 and 2 languages modules. Please note: If you fail your Stage 2 language modules this may impact your ability to go abroad. Should this be the case, you will need to speak to the Head of the Language Department and your CoSSL programme manager ( contacted through outgoing.socialsciences@ucd.ie) to discuss alternative options.
Note: If you go on exchange outside of Europe, you will be required to take specific course workload relevant to each university, as outside of Europe institutions don’t use the ECTS system.
- Unable to Travel in Stage 3
If you believe you are not in a position to travel in 2024/25, to study abroad, please contact the Social Sciences Office as soon as possible - a form is linked at the next section of this website. Your academic lead and Programme Manager will discuss your options. Erasmus Exchange Programme Manager email address: (opens in a new window)outgoing.socialsciences@ucd.ie.
- Where Can I go?
The destinations available for Stage 3 students for the 2024/25 academic year are listed below. Depending on which language you are studying, the Erasmus Exchange Programme Manager will help you make contact with the correct academic lead.