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BSc Psychology Exchange and Erasmus

Find out more about Erasmus and Exchange Programmes for BSc Psychology Students

Outgoing Erasmus and Exchange Programmes on Single Major Psychology

Every year, students from UCD's Psychology degree class travel abroad through Erasmus and Non-EU Exchange programmes to experience undergraduate study in another country for a full academic year.  Choosing an international opportunity during your degree is exciting and challenging, with huge room for personal and academic growth

BSc Psychology International Programme Credit Requirements

Students studying abroad for the full academic year  should register to60 ECTS credits  (or Non-EU credit equivalent) at the host university.

Exchange Duration

ECTS Credit Programme Requirements*

Credit Requirements breakdown 

 Full Year

Min. of 45 ECTS

It is mandatory to earn a minimum of 20 ECTS credits at your host institution in psychology, or a discipline cognate to psychology. The School of Psychology international exchange coordinator will approve your study-abroad plan only where this minimum number of 20 ECTS credits can be guaranteed

  • Non-EU  Exchange Credit equivalent is applicable to student who go on a exchange outside Europe. Please see here for conversion guide. 

The information signposted below will help you decide whether and where to apply to study abroad in Stage 3 of your degree.  The Psychology Exchange Coordinator and Psychology Office are available to discuss any questions you may have.

Why Study Abroad?

Studying abroad during your university studies is a fantastic opportunity to study at leading universities in Europe and beyond. Studying abroad builds on your own life experiences to date, giving you fresh perspectives and new directions. It is not just about seeing and visiting new places, it is about living in that place, forming friendships there, experiencing a different university system and their expectations, learning the local language, and discovering the culture, history and politics of the country.  The experience of studying abroad enables you to enhance understanding of how different people can be and yet how similar in their common human concerns. Studying abroad can present challenges, testing and developing your resourcefulness and resilience but in a way that further supports your development and preparation for the next stage of life after your degree.  The Erasmus programme has been running successfully for many years across Europe, providing a reliable structure for your study abroad. It allows you to see something of what 'Europe' really means, and to understand European issues better. UCD also has exchange agreements outside Europe: with North and South America, with East Asia, and with Oceania.


If you are studying the BSc in Psychology at UCD, you may choose to apply to study abroad for your third year in France, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany or the USA. 

In order to be considered eligible for exchange, you will need to have achieved an average  GPA of 3.0 or higher, and have successfully completed 60 credits in stage 1, and be on track to earn 50 credits in stage 2. Please also see ‘Application Process’ separately for the specific application eligibility criteria.

Note: It is strongly advised that any student who does not pass all stage 2 modules, does not take up an opportunity to study abroad for a full year as it will be very difficult to remediate your outstanding modules and successfully complete stage 4 on your return. Should you wish to discuss this further please contact your Programme Director

When and how long can I study for?

You apply for this option in second year, spend third year studying abroad, and return to UCD to complete your final, fourth year of study. If you spend this additional year in one of UCD's partnership universities studying your degree, and successfully complete the academic programme abroad as well as in UCD, you will graduate with a BSc (International) in Psychology after four years' of study.

How many and what modules do I need to take?

It is mandatory to earn a minimum of 20 ECTS credits at your host institution in psychology, or a discipline cognate to psychology. The School of Psychology will approve your study-abroad plan only where this minimum number of 20 ECTS credits is guaranteed. You are required to pass a minimum of 45 ECTS credits at your host institution to be awarded a full year's academic credit in UCD following completion of the year.  However, it is recommended that you attempt up to 60 ECTS.  Academic advice in advance of travel is provided by your International Exchange Coordinator.


Erasmus+ agreements entitle students at EU universities to travel to more than 4000 university institutions from 31 countries. The universities specific to Psychology are can be found here under relevant drop-down section.

University Wide Agreements (UWA)

The University Wide agreements list available at the link below shows the other possible destinations, subject to availablity of suitable curriculum choices for Psychology students. University Wide Agreements.

  • Complete the online application form, under the Application menu on SISweb, once the system opens (mid to late November).
  • Applications are primarily assessed on academic merit. By time of application review (late-January approx.), students will need to have earned an average GPA of 3.0 or higher and be stage 1 complete. Generally, for students going on exchange in stage 3, the average GPA is calculated as follows: Stage 1 GPA x 2 + Stage 2 trimester 1 GPA /3.
  • Students will also need to complete 50 credits in stage 2, prior to taking up their place on exchange*.
  • Students are expected to research modules available at partner institutions in advance. 

*Any offer that is made is conditional on this basis.

Choosing to study abroad means you will move to a new 4-year degree programme.  One of the changes resulting from this move is a change to how your final degree GPA will be calculated.  4-year degree programmes count Stages 2, 3 & 4 for GPA Calculation purposes.  However, as your study abroad year is GPA Neutral, this means Stage 3/year abroad does not count towards your GPA directly but does alter how your GPA will be calculated.

4 Stages:

Study Abroad



Equivalent %

Stage 1




Stage 2




Stage 3                        (Year Abroad)

                 3 (Neutral)



Stage 4




Current Psychology students will receive email invitations to briefing events, where you will have the opportunity to speak to students who have returned from Erasmus and Exchange and are now in Stage 4.

Academic advice for Psychology students interested in exchange/Erasmus is provided by:

Dr. Suzanne Guerin, Professor, Head of School and Acting School Head for Global Engagement
School of Psychology (Newman F203)

More information is available on the School of Psychology's website for current students

For any general programme-related queries please email:

Ronan Gough, (opens in a new window)outgoing.socialsciences@ucd.ie  (Programme & Credit Queries)

For all other queries, please email UCD Global Exchanges team.

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