Earth Observation
Earth Observation data has changed our understanding of the world around us by providing a unique perspective for the examination of the life of this planet. Multiple schools and projects across the University are using EO data to make unique discoveries and these include:
- Image processing for remote sensing
- Machine Learning for remote sensing
- Smart Cities & Urban Innovation
- Town planning & Land Utilisation
- Archaeology
- Climate Modelling
- Food & Crop Science
- Soil Science
- Geography
- Ecological Resilience
- Sustainability
- Transport
In addition, interdisciplinary research in UCD in the area of image processing and machine learning are increasing the yield from these observations and the large data sets they produce. UCD is also at the forefront of the citizen science earth observation activities in Ireland and Europe, using them to provide valuable data to calibrate and complement remote sensing data.
We believe that EO expertise can provide a unique capability that has not been fully appreciated as yet. C-Space will be a voice for the benefits of EO data in addressing a range of societal questions from climate change to international development. The Centre will facilitate knowledge transfer by workshops and discussions, promoting both the benefits and methods to use EO data sources for research and industrial applications.
C-Space is positioned for further strategic growth in both the fundamental research supporting EO and in the application of EO data to life on earth.
C-Space has many Earth Observation activities including a programme to deliver low cost sensors for the empowerment of local communities. These tools collect EO data as part of citizen science activities.[Credit:F.Pilla]
Sentinel 2 Image of Fingal, Co.Dublin [Credit: ESA]