The Archival Collections
There is a rich variety of archival collections held in UCD Library Special Collections, spanning four centuries of Irish history and culture, and encompassing such diverse subjects as literature, Gaelic language and folklore, music, genealogy and political history.
A Complete List of Archival Collections
- Aircív Sheáin Uí Ríordáin
- Arnold Bax Collection
- Beranger Watercolours Collection
- Maeve Binchy Papers
- Cartlann na gCanúintí
- Curran-Laird Collection
- Dubhaltach Mac Firbishigh
- Patrick Ferriter Manuscripts
- Eva Gore-Booth Papers
- Maurice Harmon Papers
- Irish Academy of Letters
- Irish Dialect Archive
- Irish Poetry Reading Archive
- The Kavanagh Archive
- Gerard Manley Hopkins Letters
- Mary Lavin Papers
- William Lover Papers
- Riobard Mac Góráin Collection
- Frank McGuinness Papers
- Tom MacIntyre Papers
- Henry Morris Manuscript
- Henry Morris Additional Manuscripts
- Henry Morris Papers
- Henry Morris Correspondence
- Edna O’Brien Papers
- O'Brien / Lam Collection
- Eugene O’Curry Manuscripts
- Annie O'Donnell Letters
- John O’Donovan/William Reeves Correspondence
- Colm Ó Lochlainn Manuscripts
- Colm Ó Lochlainn Letters
- Seán Ó Riordáin Papers
- Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy
- UCD Library Building Papers
- UCD Additional Irish Manuscripts
- UCD Manuscripts
- Sture Ureland Collection
- Caroline Walsh Papers
- William Wilde
- Yeats’ Festschrift Collection