Heaney and the Classics
- Heaney and the Classics
- Revolutionary Dublin's Literary Networks
- Frank McGuinness
- Seoda Scripte
- Kavanagh Reconsidered
- Reading 1916
- Easter, 1916
- Thomas MacDonagh and The Irish Review
- Yeats and His Muses
- Thomas Kinsella
- Beckett Country Exhibition
- History of Medicine
- Beranger Watercolours
- Franciscan Collection
- Curran Collection
- Treasures of Special Collections
- Unique Material in UCD Special Collections
This exhibition explores how Seamus Heaney’s work brings order to the chaos around us by viewing life through the prism of the literature of the classical world.
Each case in the exhibition, and the accompanying panels, focuses on links between Heaney’s writing and particular classical works. Heaney enables us to experience these ancient writers as though they were our contemporaries.
The books on display are a selection from a collection of Seamus Heaney’s works donated to UCD Special Collections by Joseph Hassett.
In addition to the exhibition display cases and panels, there is an accompanying booklet, with an introduction by Joe Hassett, and two original essays by Prof Roy Foster and poet Bernard O'Donoghue.
This exhibition was curated for UCD Special Collections by UCD alumnus Joseph Hassett, in collaboration with Evelyn Flanagan and Kathryn Milligan of UCD Special Collections.
View the exhibition booklet ((opens in a new window)on Issuu)
Download the exhibition booklet (English) ((opens in a new window)PDF - 2.6MB)