Contact Us - Plan A Visit
UCD Special Collections, James Joyce Library,
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, IRELAND

Access to UCD Special Collections
The reading room is open 10am -1pm and 2pm - 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Access to the Reading Room is (opens in a new window)by appointment only.
Readers MUST (opens in a new window)fill out this appointment form in advance of their visit.
Materials must be requested in advance.
Readers will use the public toilets on Level 2 (James Joyce Library).
If you have a query please contact (opens in a new window)special.collections@ucd.ie.

Helpful Guides
Download our guide to (opens in a new window)getting started with UCD Special Collections
You can read and download our overview guide to UCD Special Collections.
Handling Materials in Special Collections
When visiting Special Collections please handle materials with care. Please watch our video.

Claire Dunne
Library Assistant, Cultural Heritage, Special Collections