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Sinead McGrath

In memoriam, Dr. Sinéad McGrath

It is with great shock that we heard of the passing of our PhD graduate Dr. Sinéad McGrath, who after a cancer diagnosis in recent months, passed away peacefully on 20 January 2022.

Sinéad studied with us from September 2015, working particularly closely with Melanie Hoewer and Alexander Dukalskis. She defended her thesis last April and attended her conferral for the PhD just last month. Sinéad was an excellent researcher, an inspiring teacher, a wonderful colleague and a warm-hearted person. She deeply cared for human rights and actively supported marginalized groups, especially refugees. We will miss her dearly.

Her doctoral thesis brought a much needed gender perspective to issues on displacement and transitional justice by exploring the roles of international migration organisations in providing remedies for internally displaced women in Colombia. Her work was informed by her commitment and compassion for human rights and social justice and by her great expertise and experience in this area.

Sinéad will be missed for the very positive influence she had on our school for so many years. We extend our deepest sympathies to her family and friends on their terrible loss.

May she rest in peace.

UCD School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe)

School Office: G301, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.