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Post Doctoral Research Areas

Dr Oscar Barrera-Rodríguez

Research Interests
Understanding the role of information (including disinformation) and social exposure in shaping individual opinions and attitudes toward society in various contexts, such as political preferences, perceptions of migrants, child stimulation practices, and nutrition; the political economy of political cleavages and social inequality, with a focus on the geographic and socio-demographic factors influencing electoral preferences

Jan Fabian Dollbaum

Dr Jan Fabian Dollbaum

Research Interests

Public opinion: concept, measurement, determinants
Effects of social movements, especially disruptive protests
Government and challenger party success and failure

Samuel Johnston

Dr Samuel Johnston

Research Interests
Political Parties, election campaigns; nationalism; European Union politics; Irish politics; British politics

Personal Website:  (opens in a new window)www.satjohnston.com

Dr Mahsa Mahdinejad

Dr Mahsa Mahdinejad 

Research Interests

Natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, peace and conflict, gender, insurgency

Leonardo Puleo

Dr Leonardo Puleo

Research Interests
Political Parties; Voting Behaviour; Electoral Campaigns; Illiberalism; Rule Of Law

Rafael Quintero Godinez

Dr Rafael Quintero Godínez

Research Interests
Corporate criminality and tax evasion, sociolegal research in international economic law, judicial independence and investment arbitration, and sovereign debt and human rights

 Chiara Valsangiacomo

Dr Chiara Valsangiacomo

Research Interests
Normative democratic theory; liquid democracy; democratic innovations; political representation

Personal Website:  (opens in a new window)https://chiaravalsangiacomo.owlstown.net 

UCD School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe)

School Office: G301, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.