Open Access Articles
Çelebi, Elifcan With: Volkan Yilmaz. (2025). Narrative power in electoral autocracies: The policy narrative behind the success of a pension movement. Policy Studies Journal. (opens in a new window) How do women's GONGOs influence policymaking processes in Turkey? Journal of Civil Society (2022). (opens in a new window) |
Daubler, Thomas: With: Séin Ó Muineacháin. Millstone or means to succeed: party-brand value, intra-party competition and personal vote-seeking. (opens in a new window) With: Franziska Quoß, and Lukas Rudolph. How does information affect vote choice in open-list PR systems? Evidence from a survey experiment mimicking real-world elections in Switzerland. (opens in a new window) With: Thomas Bräuninger, and Jean-Benoit Pilet. Candidate visibility, voter knowledge, and the incumbency advantage in preferential-list PR. (opens in a new window) |
Dowd, Caitriona: With: Denise Ripamonti, Ronak Patel, Kelsey Gleason and Sam Polzin. (2024). 'Non-State Armed Groups as Food System Actors in Haiti and Somalia,' Conflict, Security & Development, (opens in a new window)doi: 10.1080/14678802.2024. With: Samuel S. Polzin, Kelsey Gleason, Rebecca Yang, Pranay Narang, and Ronak Patel. (2024). 'Conflict's Impacts on Food Systems: Mapping Available Evidence of Interactions,' Journal of International Development, 36(4): 2152-2171, (opens in a new window)doi: 10.1002/jid.3899 |
Dukalskis, Alexander: With: Furstenberg, S., Hellmeier, S., & Scales, R. (2024). The Long Arm and the Iron Fist: Authoritarian Crackdowns and Transnational Repression. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 68(6), 1051-1079. (opens in a new window) A fox in the henhouse: China, normative change, and the UN Human Rights Council. Journal of Human Rights, 22(3), 334–350. (opens in a new window) |
Finlay, Graham: With: Tahir, M. W.(2024). What others bring! What we give! Reviewing the gender sensitivity of the Irish migration legal framework. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1). (opens in a new window) |
Jung, Yoo Sun: With: Yohan Park. “Winners and Losers in U.S.–China Trade Disputes: A Dynamic Compositional Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment.” 2024. Social Science Quarterly. (opens in a new window) With: Samuel Brazys. “Paving Their Own Road? Local Chinese and World Bank Aid and Foreign Direct Investment in Africa.” 2024. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 28–47. (opens in a new window) With: Krishna C Vadlamannati. "The political economy of vaccine distribution and China’s Belt and Road Initiative.” Business and Politics. 2023;25(1):67-88. (opens in a new window)doi:10.1017/bap.2022.26 |
Khokhlov, Nikita: With: Alexander Baturo and Jakob Tolstrup. Playing the sycophant card: The logic and consequences of professing loyalty to the autocrat. (opens in a new window) We don’t abandon our own people”: public rhetoric of Russia’s governors during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. (opens in a new window) |
Chiara Valsangiacomo: ’Six Arguments in Favor of Liquid Assemblies’ (2025). Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. (opens in a new window) |
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Brazys, S., de Soysa, I., & Vadlamannati, K. C. (2023). Blessing or curse? Assessing the local impacts of foreign direct investment on conflict in Africa. Journal of Peace Research, 00223433231200928. |
Brazys, S., Dukalskis, A., & Müller, S. (2023). Leader of the Pack? Changes in “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” after a Politburo Collective Study Session. The China Quarterly, 254, 484-493. |
Brazys, S., Mahmud, M., & Pillai, A. (2023). Who Gets the Goodies? Overlapping Interests and the Geography of Aid for Trade Allocation in Bangladesh. The Journal of Development Studies, 59(2), 242-257. |
Brazys, S., & Mahmud, M. (2023). The Political Economy of Donor Control and Elite Capture in Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh. The Journal of Environment & Development, 10704965231211592. |
Celebi, E. (2022). Rescaling social care services: The case of district municipalities in Istanbul. International Social Work. (opens in a new window) |
Celebi, E. (2021). "Paradigmatic Change in Gendered Labor Market Policies in Turkey.” in Fundamental Questions: Gender Dimensions in Max Planck Projects. pp. 155-170. Nomos. (opens in a new window) |
John Coakley and Jennifer Todd Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland 1969-2019 Oxford University Press Jan 2020 (paperback 2023) |
Dowd, C. (2023). Food-related violence, hunger and humanitarian crises. Journal of Peace Research, 60(6), 935-950. (opens in a new window) |
Constantine Boussalis, Alexander Dukalskis & Johannes Gerschewski (2023) Why It Matters What Autocrats Say: Assessing Competing Theories of Propaganda, Problems of Post-Communism, 70:3, 241-252, DOI: (opens in a new window)10.1080/10758216.2021.2012199 |
Dukalskis, A., Furstenberg, S., Hellmeier, S., & Scales, R. (2023). The Long Arm and the Iron Fist: Authoritarian Crackdowns and Transnational Repression. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 0(0). (opens in a new window) |
Alexander Dukalskis (2023) A fox in the henhouse: China, normative change, and the UN Human Rights Council, Journal of Human Rights, 22:3, 334-350, DOI: (opens in a new window)10.1080/14754835.2023.2193971 |
Vincent Durac, 'Adversarial Power-Sharing and “Forced Marriages”: Governing Coalitions in Lebanon and Yemen' (with Tamirace Fakhoury), Middle East Law and Governance, 15, 2023. |
‘Authoritarian Practice and Fragmented Sovereignty in Post-Uprising Yemen’, Vincent Durac in E. Topak, M. Mekouar and F. Cavatorta (eds) New Authoritarian Practices in the Middle East and North Africa, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. |
Politics and Governance in the Middle East (Second Edition) (Vincent Durac with Francesco Cavatorta), London: Bloomsbury, 2022 |
Vincent Durac, Article in 'Yemen' in Christopher Matthews (ed), The Middle East and North Africa 2021, London: Routledge, 2023. |
Supriya Garikipati, Uma Kambhampati, Abhilash Kondraganti, “Women's Leadership Is Associated With Few COVID-19 Deaths and Better Communication”, chapter in McClain, L.C., & Ahmed, A. (Eds.). (2024). The Routledge Companion to Gender and COVID-19 (1st ed.). Routledge. (opens in a new window) |
Supriya Garikipati, A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children (with S Yates et al.), 2024, Digital Media and Society Institute, ISBN 978-1-7385736-0-8 <(opens in a new window) |
Supriya Garikipati, “Alleviating Period Poverty in the Global South: Information as a Public Policy Instrument”, in K. Standing and S. Parker (eds.), Experiences of Menstruation from the Global South and North, British Academy, Oxford University Press, 2024. |
Supriya Garikipati, “Gender Inclusivity of India’s Digital Financial Revolution for Attainment of SGDs: Macro Achievements and the Micro Experiences”, (with M. Duvendack and L. Sonne), European Journal of Development Research, 35(6):1369-1391. https//(opens in a new window) |
Supriya Garikipati, “What socio-demographic factors support disposable vs. sustainable menstrual choices? Evidence from India’s National Family Health Survey-5”, PLos ONE, 2023, 18(8 August). (opens in a new window) |
Yoo Sun Jung,
Erica Owen,
Gyu Sang Shim, “Heterogeneity in How Investors Respond to Disputes: Greenfield FDI and Co-Industrial Disputes.” with Erica Owen and GS Shim. 2021. Journal of Politics 83 (4). 1260-74.
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Nicolò Fraccaroli, Aidan Regan & Mark Blyth (2023) Brexit and the ties that bind: how global finance shapes city-level growth models, Journal of European Public Policy, 30:10, 2165-2190, DOI: (opens in a new window)10.1080/13501763.2023.2176531 |
Joanne McEvoy and Jennifer Todd, ' Constitutional Inclusion in Divided Societies: Conceptual Choices, Practical Dilemmas, and the Contribution of the Grassroots in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland' Cooperation and Conflict, 2023 (opens in a new window) |
Regan, A. Growth models and the comparative political economy of Europe. Comp Eur Polit 22, 1–4 (2024). (opens in a new window) |
Jennifer Todd, Sarah Curristan and Stephanie Dornschneider-Elkink, 'How moderates make boundaries after protracted conflict', British Journal of Sociology, open access, 2022 (opens in a new window) |
Jennifer Todd and Joanne McEvoy, 'Obstacles to Constitutional Participation: Lessons from Diverse Voices in Post-Brexit Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland', British J of Politics and International Relations, 2023, DOI: (opens in a new window)10.1177/13691481231160044 |
Jennifer Todd, Joanne McEvoy and John Doyle, 2023, ‘Time for deliberation, not decision, on the shape of a new United Ireland: evidence from the ARINS Survey focus groups’ Irish Studies in International Affairs, 34.2 open access. |
Vadlamannati, K. C., Brazys, S., Dukalskis, A., & Li, Y. (2023). Building bridges or breaking bonds? The Belt and Road Initiative and foreign aid competition. Foreign Policy Analysis, 19(3), orad015. |
Vadlamannati, K.C., Brazys, S. Does cultural diversity hinder the implementation of IMF-supported programs? An empirical investigation. Rev Int Organ 18, 87–116 (2023). (opens in a new window) |
Valsangiacomo, C. Fighting Political Corruption with the Citizens. Res Publica (2024). (opens in a new window) |
Chiara Valsangiacomo & Christina Isabel Zuber (2025). ‘Why a European Citizens’ Assembly Should Replace Sortition with Liquid Democracy.’ In: Rainer Bauböck and Kalypso Nicolaidis (eds.), Should a Citizens' Assembly Complement the European Parliament?, European University Institute, (opens in a new window) |
Walsh, D; Neudorfer, N. (2023) Caring is sharing: Why independent commissions in post-conflict societies have power-sharing arrangements: Why independent commissions in post-conflict societies have power-sharing arrangements.'. Journal of Peace Research |
(opens in a new window)Professor Patrick Paul Walsh Walsh, P. P., Banerjee, A. & Murphy, E. (2022). (opens in a new window)Partnerships and the Sustainable Development Goals |
(opens in a new window)Dr Tobias Theiler Theiler, T. (2022). (opens in a new window)International functionalism and democracy. European Journal of International Relations, 28(2), 312–336. |
(opens in a new window)Dr Stephanie Dornschneider Dornschneider, S. (2021). (opens in a new window)Hot contention, cool abstention: Positive emotions and protest behavior during the arab spring |
(opens in a new window)Dr Alexander Dukalskis Dukalskis, A. (2021). (opens in a new window)Making the world safe for dictatorship |
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(opens in a new window)Dr Jos Elkink Elkink, J., Baturo, A., The New Kremlinology: Understanding Regime Personalization in Russia, Oxford University Press |
(opens in a new window)Professor David Farrell Curato, N., Farrell, D., Geissel, B., Grönlund, K., Mockler, P., Pilet, J. -B., et al. (2021). (opens in a new window)Deliberative Mini-Publics Core Design Features. Policy Press |
(opens in a new window)Professor Ben Tonra Tomic, N., & Tonra, B. (2021). (opens in a new window)Conflict Resolution and Global Justice: The European Union in the Global Context |
(opens in a new window)Professor Jennifer Todd Coakley J; Todd J (2020) Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland, 1969-2019: Oxford University Press, USA Todd, J., & Walsh, D. (2022) (opens in a new window)Unionisms in Times of Change. Routledge. |
(opens in a new window)Dr Dawn Walsh Todd, J., & Walsh, D. (2022) (opens in a new window)Unionisms in Times of Change. Routledge. |
Book Chapters |
(opens in a new window)Dr Samuel Brazys and Dr Aidan Regan Regan, A., & Brazys, S. (2021). The Political Economy of FDI-led Growth in Ireland. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics. Editors: Farrell DM, Hardiman N . Oxford University Press, Oxford 01 Sep 2021. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
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(opens in a new window)Professor John Coakley Coakley, J. (2021). The election in context. In M. gallagher, M. marsh, & T. reidy (Eds.), How Ireland voted 2020: the end of an era (pp. 321-339). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Coakley, J. (2021).(opens in a new window) The Politics of the Presidency. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics, Farrell & Hardiman Eds., (pp. 365-382). Oxford University Press.Available Online |
(opens in a new window)Dr Vincent Durac Durac, V. (2021). Social mobilization and civil society. In The Societies of the Middle East and North Africa: Structures, Vulnerabilities, and Forces (pp. 75-108). |
(opens in a new window)Dr Jos Elkink Reidy, T., Suiter, J., Elkink, J. A., & Farrell, D. (2021). The Irish Referendums on Marriage Equality and Abortion. In The Palgrave Handbook of European Referendums (pp. 325-342). Springer International Publishing. |
(opens in a new window)Professor David Farrell Reidy, T., Suiter, J., Elkink, J. A., & Farrell, D. (2021). (opens in a new window)The Irish Referendums on Marriage Equality and Abortion. In The Palgrave Handbook of European Referendums (pp. 325-342). Springer International Publishing. Farrell, D., & Field, L. (2021). Beyond electoral representation: Direct and deliberative democracy. In R. Costello, & N. Robinson (Eds.), Comparative European politics: Distinctive democracies, common challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Farrell, D. M., Suiter, J., Harris, C., & Cunningham, K. (2021). (opens in a new window)Ireland’s Deliberative Mini-Publics. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics, Edited by David Farrell and Niamh Hardiman (pp. 626-644). Oxford University Press. Farrell D; Stone P (2020) 'Sortition and mini-publics: A different kind of representation?' In: The Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, USA. |
(opens in a new window)Dr Graham Finlay Finlay, G., (2021), (opens in a new window)China, extreme poverty and consequentialist theories of human rights, in Poverty and Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Edited by Suzanne Egan and Anna Chadwick, Edward Elgar Publishing. |
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(opens in a new window)Dr Iseult Honohon Honohan, I. (2021). Republicanism and Public Affairs. In D. Farrell, & N. Hardiman (Eds.), (opens in a new window)The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics (pp. 23-39). Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
(opens in a new window)Dr Joseph Lacey Lacey J; Nicolaidis K (2020) 'Democracy and Disintegration: Does 19 the State of Democracy in the EU Put the Integrity of the Union at Risk?' In: Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
(opens in a new window)Dr Aidan Regan Regan, A. (2020). The rise and fall of social partnership in Ireland. In The Role of Social Partners in Managing Europe's Great Recession. Routledge.
Regan, A., & Brazys, S. (2021). The Political Economy of FDI-led Growth in Ireland. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics. Editors: Farrell DM, Hardiman N . Oxford University Press. |
(opens in a new window)Dr Heidi Riley Riley H (2020) 'Masculinity and Conflict' In: Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. |
(opens in a new window)Dr Tobias Theiler Theiler, T. (2021). The cultural roots of Euroscepticism in German-speaking Switzerland and England. In (opens in a new window)Switzerland-EU Relations: Lessons for the UK after Brexit? (pp. 135-147). |
(opens in a new window)Dr Alexa Zellentin Zellentin A (2020) 'Climate Change and International Ethics' In: The Routledge Handbook to Rethinking Ethics in International Relations. London: Routledge. |
(opens in a new window)Professor Patrick Paul Walsh Walsh, P. (2021). The Political Economy of Sustainable Development. In O. John, O. Francis, & W. Ciara (Eds.), (opens in a new window)The Economy of Ireland: Policy Making in a Global Context (14th edition) (pp. 136-157). UK: Bloomsbury. Walsh P (Ed.). (2019) Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. Dublin: Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland |
Journal Articles
Publications by Year
You can view the annual return of publications from staff in the School by viewing Research Publications by School and you can also access many of the publications in full text at (opens in a new window)Research Repository UCD. Below are some of our more recent publications.
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