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Commonly Asked Questions

Commonly Asked Questions for Prospective Undergraduate Students

Please note that the School is not involved in the admissions process of undergraduate students, including CAO applicants, mature students, international applicants or transfer students. If you have queries related to the admission processes, please refer to the UCD Admissions and/or contact the UCD Student Desk. If you have queries related to the contents of Politics and International Relations, please contact us at (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie.

The (opens in a new window)UCD Undergraduate Prospectus is available online.

Q. How many CAO points do I need?

A.  (opens in a new window)Politics & International Relations can be taken as part of the (opens in a new window)BSc Social Sciences (DN700), (opens in a new window)BA Humanities (DN530), or (opens in a new window)Law with Politics degree (DN600) degree.  Please see the UCD Course Entry Requirements and Places for each degree.

Q. What is the difference between the BSc Social Sciences (DN700) and the BA Humanities (DN530)?

A. In the BA Humanities degree (DN530), Politics & International Relations can be combined with History only. No other subject combination is available. 

While in the BSc Social Sciences (DN700), Politics & International Relations can be studied with one of the following subjects: Archaeology, Economics, Geography, Information and Communication Studies, Mathematics, Philosophy, Sociology, Social Justice, Statistics. It can also be combined with one of the following languages: Chinese, French, German, Irish, Italian, Spanish. You may opt for a single major in Politics & International Relations in Year 3 and 4. 

The current students' section include a list of all the modules available in each degree. 

Q. Can I study "International Relations" only, not "Politics"? 

A.  No, you cannot. "Politics & International Relations" is one subject.  

Q. I am an applicant from outside of Ireland.  What’s the entry requirement?

A. EU and EEA entry requirements (other than Irish Leaving Certificate) and Non-EU entry requirements.

Q. I finished my first year in another university.  Is it possible to transfer to UCD?

A. Please see the Transfer Applications page.

Q. How much is the tuition fee?

A. €2,000 per annum* for students from EU and EEA countries** (as of July 2024).

*The Irish Exchequer will pay tuition fees to the University on behalf of students. €2,000 is to be paid by each student as the Student Contribution Charge. A student centre levy (€254 in 2023/24) is also required.

* Please refer to the Free Fees Elibility page for further information.
** Visit the Student Contribution and Student Centre Levy charges page for further information.

Q. I am from a non-EU country. How much would I have to pay and how can I pay?

A. Please see the Non-EU Undergraduate Fees page and the How to Pay page.

Q. I am from a non-EU country. How can I get a student visa?

A. Please see the comprehensive visa/immigration information page. You can make an appointment to have a chat with the Student Immigration Support Officer in UCD Global from (opens in a new window)this page.

Q. How can I apply for on-campus accommodations?

A. Please visit the UCD Residences page.

UCD School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe)

School Office: G301, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.