The club organises ski trips to the Alps and the UK.
One of the biggest clubs in UCD, the Snowsports Club provides the opportunity for its members to participate in the sports of skiing and snowboarding. The club welcomes all abilities from beginners to the most hardcore enthusiasts. Whether you want to get big air in freestyle, high speed in racing or just learn to shred, the club encourages you all to join.
The club trains twice a week on the dry ski slopes in Kilternan, including beginners’ lessons, race training and freestyle sessions. The club also participates in competitions during the year including the Irish Intervarsities, Colours, British University Dry Slope Championships and the Leinster Snow League. In addition to their training and competitions, the club also organises the legendary UCD ski trips to the Alps.
Snowsports Contact
Email:(opens in a new window)snowsports@ucd.ie
Facebook: (opens in a new window)UCD Snowsports Club
Instagram: (opens in a new window)@ucdsnowsports