An exhilarating and challenging sport.
Surfing is an exhilarating and challenging sport. Both beginners and the more experienced surfers are welcome to join the club, which offers lessons for all its members. The objective of the club is to get the members surfing as much as possible and it organises numerous trips to the west coast of Ireland as well as a trip abroad. The club also highlights the importance of water safety and offers its members the chance to complete the NBLQ Beach Lifeguarding course. The club also competes in the Intervarsity Championships and Colours. A weekly surf yoga class is held in UCD and is free for all members. The club claims that surfing is fun, challenging and a great way to meet new people.
Surf Contact
Email:(opens in a new window)surf@ucd.ie
Facebook: (opens in a new window)UCD Surf Club
Instagram: (opens in a new window)@ucd_surfclub