General Information
As part of our training programme the Athletic Union Council offers a number of Safeguarding 1 courses which has been developed by Sport Ireland. This course is targeted at all coaches, activity leaders, managers and club Children's Officers.
In UCD all voluntary and paid coaches, managers, activity leaders and children's officers are required to hold at a minimum a valid Safeguarding 1 certificate, and have valid Garda Vetting through Ireland Active.
It is the clubs responsibility to ensure that all coaches, managers, activity leaders and children's officers have the required qualifications in place before they commence their role.
Keeping Children Safe / Junior Member
Although the vast majority of student club members will be over 18 years of age, every year a small number will register in UCD that are 17 years old. In order to create a happy and safe environment for all club members (including those aged 17) and coaches, the AUC has in place a number of procedures to ensure that it complies with best practice in child safety. Full details of the procedures are provided in the UCD Sport, UCD Sport and Fitness, and UCD Student Centre - Keeping Children Safe Policy.
Useful Documents
Safeguarding 1 - Basic Awareness
The course provides a good basic understanding of child protection legislation and educates participants on the implementation of best practice in protecting the welfare of children involved in sport.
See our Training & Development section for Safeguarding course dates for 2023-24.
- The course must be refreshed every 3 years. The initial course must always be a face to face course.
- Just before the 3 years has passed the individual can complete the Sport Ireland Safeguarding 1 Online Refresher.
- Once the individual completes this online course they must save the digital certificate, this certificate, along with the original certificate, must be uploaded as part of submitting the coaching pack or code of conduct for sports club committee members (Children's Officers).
- The individual will need to submit both as evidence for the next 3 years to the AUC if still involved with a UCD club in any of the aforementioned roles.
- Before the total 6-year period has passed the individual will need to attend the face to face course again. Do not let your Safeguarding 1 certificate expire, complete your training again BEFORE the 3 year period expires.
Garda Vetting (via Ireland Active)
Vetting is required for all coaches, team managers, leaders and children's officers, whether they are paid or a volunteer.
The coach/leader/manager must call into UCD Sport (top floor, older part of sports centre, across from the mezzzanine gym reception) to have their ID's verified. Ireland Active will not accept photocopies of this form.
- The validity period for vetting is 3 years. Towards the end of the three year period the individual must re-apply for vetting and a disclosure must be returned to the AUC in order for the person to continue in their role. Do not let your vetting expire, complete it again in advance of the 3 year validity period.
- Please note that coaches/managers/leaders are only deemed to be vetted once the AUC receives confirmation of their vetting number from the National Vetting Bureau and a vetting disclosure via Ireland Active. Only those coaches/managers/leaders who have a valid vetting number and following review of the vetting disclosure are deemed suitable for the role by the AUC are permitted to work/volunteer with a UCD club.
- Please refer to the Club Operations Manual for further details on Garda Vetting, Safeguarding, and the recruitment and payment of coaches.
Vetting Process & How to Complete the Form
- Coaches and leaders, and also Children’s Officers, should choose the role 'Children’s Sports Coach'.
- Complete section 1 (Personal Information) and section 2 (Additional Information).
- When completing section 2:
- Add 'UCD Sport' for the 'Name of Facility'.
- Ensure you tick the box.
- Ensure you sign and date the form.
- Section 3 is completed by UCD Sport.
- Page 4 includes the the List of Acceptable Documents. When submitting proof of address the address on the item of identification must match that on the NVB1 Form.
- Return the completed form, with identification documents in person to Paula Cashman or Suzanne Bailey (adjacent to the Performance Gym entrance). These documents must be verified, therefore forms must be handed in by the person being vetted to Paula Cashman or Suzanne Bailey.
- It is the individuals responsibility to ensure that the Identification Documents submitted equates to 100 points. Note that the paper format driving licence carries significantly less points than the credit card style licence.
- Once the form is received and processed by Ireland Active, the applicant will receive an online vetting invitation from the National Vetting Bureau which they must complete within 30 days of receipt of the invitation. This will be sent to the email address you supplied on the vetting form.
- Please note that you are only deemed to be vetted once the Athletic Union Council receives confirmation of their vetting number from the National Vetting Bureau and a vetting disclosure via Ireland Active. Paula Cashman will send an email to the coach and the club once this confirmation is received.
- Only individuals who have a valid vetting number and following review of the vetting disclosure are deemed suitable for the role by the AUC are permitted to work/volunteer with a UCD sports club.