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Meetings & Events

The network will meet regularly with meetings generally held on campus at lunchtime. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, in complete confidence, please contact Tina Lowe, Campus Accessibility Officer, telephone 01-716 7564. (opens in a new window)tina.lowe@ucd.ie

Events will be promoted via Google Currents and by joining the mailing list. To join UCD Staff Disability Mailing List, email (opens in a new window)tina.lowe@ucd.ie and (opens in a new window)lorraine.mchugh@ucd.ie or  join (opens in a new window)Google Currents

UCD Staff Disability Network

If you would like to join the network mailing list, more information about the network or have any queries please get in touch.
T: +353 716 7564

Access & Lifelong Learning Centre Level 1 James Joyce Library Building University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland