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Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Last updated 24th June

The development of the UCD strategy in 2024 is a collaborative process that draws on the great ideas from every part of our community around the future direction for the University. To this end, the UCD Vice-President for Strategy and External Engagement, Triona McCormack, and her team are leading a process of consultation within and beyond the University. These engagements have so far produced valuable inputs for the development of the next strategy.

Take a look below for further information about each engagement type. 

College, School and Unit Engagements
College, School and Unit Engagements

The President, Vice-President for Strategy and External Engagement and the University Management Team have met and are continuing to meet directly with College Executive Teams, leadership teams, as well as all schools, institutes, support units, and colleagues overseas. A selection of staff, students and representatives of the Governing Authority have completed 1-1 interview with The Reputations Agency, who are assisting us in gathering stakeholder input.

External Engagements
External Engagements

A series of meetings are currently being held with key external stakeholders including government departments, employers, strategic partners, alumni and funding bodies.

These engagements will be shared across UCD leadership. An external partner, The Reputations Agency, will also assist in some of the engagements.

UCD Strategy

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777