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Learning for Life 

UCD graduates will always be known for their deep discipline knowledge, enriched by research and grounded in rigour.

Building on this bedrock of excellence, we will enhance our existing degree structures and create new structures of programme delivery. We will prepare our students to succeed in disruptive times, and facilitate agility and access in our education offerings across all levels and modes.

We will work to nurture the skills, competencies, attributes and behaviours that will set our graduates up for success.

Recognising the increased need for learning opportunities at all life stages, we will encourage and welcome a broader range of students, supporting them with flexible and technology enabled learning structures and environments.

Through enhanced synergies with our research, and with global and industry partners, our students will grow their awareness of and readiness for a world of opportunities.

Through the excellence of our education, we will attract and empower an increasingly diverse community of learners to fulfil their potential and advance our society through disruptive times.

We will:
  • provide our students with structured opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills in such areas as AI and digital skills, innovation, sustainability, leadership,  well-being, and languages (LL1).
  • support our students to be reflective practitioners with strong transversal skills, through enhanced opportunities for experiential learning, work-integrated learning and global engagement (LL2).
  • grow the diversity and flexibility of our portfolio of learning options, supporting our ambition to bring the excellence and opportunity of the UCD learning experience to learners across their life stages (LL3).
  • grow our development programmes and career supports for graduate researchers and for postdoctoral researchers, enhancing the sense of belonging and community for these cohorts, and creating new opportunities for knowledge-sharing and interdisciplinary engagement (LL4).
  • reform our curriculum, timetabling, assessment modes and credit weightings to optimise teaching and learning across all modes and all levels (LL5).
  • integrate and build on our development supports for faculty and staff, and grow our capacity as an organisation that analyses, reflects and learns (LL6).

UCD Strategy

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777