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UCD Strategy World Cafés

UCD Strategy World Cafés

Last updated 28th June 2024

UCD Strategy World Cafés are a series of focus group events, each focussing on a particular theme. These events took place across April and May 2024 with each one chaired by a different University Management Team (UMT) member. Participants were divided into smaller groups and assigned to different tables where a facilitator  guided a discussion on a specific question, relevant to the theme. Participants also had the opportunity to visit different tables and discuss different questions, and to engage in open dialogue with the facilitator and the wider room.

Please look through the list of World Café events below to learn more about the themes being explored and to view the outputs from each session. 

World Café - The Global Experience
World Café - The Global Experience

UCD Vice President for Global Engagement, Professor Dolores O’Riordan hosted this event on May 1st to explore with the community, the meaning of a ‘Global University’, and to discuss what UCD as a ‘Global University’ would look like in 2040.

World Café - The Academic Experience
World Café - The Academic Experience

Led by College Principal, UCD College of Social Sciences and Law, Professor Niamh Moore-Cherry on 14th May. This engagement focused on the experience of being an academic at UCD now and what the community would like to prioritise to ensure an excellent work environment for the future.

UCD Strategy

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777