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The Global Experience

About this World Café

UCD currently positions itself as ‘Ireland’s Global University’. This World Café will explore the meaning of a ‘Global University’ and discuss what UCD as a ‘Global University’ would look like in 2040.


  1. Given your understanding of higher education and the role of a university, what attributes characterise a “global university”? How do you see these attributes evolving over the coming fifteen years?
  2. How do you understand UCD’s claim to be “Ireland’s Global University”? In what ways do we live up to this identity?
  3. How do you understand UCD’s claim to be “Ireland’s Global University”? In what ways do we fall short of this identity? 
  4. In what ways can UCD be a positive force in shaping the world of 2040? Please identify thematic or geographic areas where our teaching, research, innovation, or influence could have the most meaningful impact. 
  5. What do you think will be the greatest obstacles to remaining (or becoming) a “global university” over the next fifteen years?

Event Chair

UCD Strategy

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777