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About this World Café

The universities that build success, profile and reputation will engage with the world, help find solutions to the challenges that we face, and bring this connectivity back into everything they do internally as well as externally. These are the universities that will best prepare students for a complex and changing world. They will deliver success in research and innovation, and will be valued partners in high-performing networks. They will build pride and allegiance among staff and alumni. They will be strong and trusted assets to national systems, to government, industry and other stakeholders. They are ultimately the universities that will stand out on a crowded landscape and grow their reputation, enabling them to attract great students and staff. 

The President has outlined a working vision for UCD, as a university of influence, impact and excitement, making a clear positive difference. This world café will focus on how UCD can become a recognised thought leader and establish a strong reputation as a university of influence and impact in Ireland and the wider world. 


  1. In a crowded landscape for higher education nationally and internationally, how can UCD stand out?

  2. What are the first three things that come to mind when you think of UCD?

  3. What’s distinctive about UCD?

  4. How do we develop a strong compelling story for UCD externally and align our actions and activities around it?

  5. What can we do to establish a shared identity that unifies UCD’s efforts while also addressing the unique contexts across campus and in each global region?

  6. How can we build our influence and establish thought leadership in an increasingly divergent world?

  7. How do we more effectively engage with policy makers, industry and civil society? Who do you have the opportunity to influence? Who are the primary people/groups who you can help tell the UCD story to?

Event Chair

UCD Strategy

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777