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UCD CSL Ltd Gender Pay Report 2024


UCD Campus Sport & Leisure (CSL) is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees can thrive. We recognise the importance of addressing the gender pay gap and ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Staff Count 
Total Employees 216 Male 111 51.4% Female 105 48.6%
Part-Time 184 Male 91 49.5% Female 93 50.5%
Full Time  32 Male 20 62.5% Female 12 37.5%
Gender Pay Gap Metric 2024
Mean Gender Pay Gap (%) 8%
Median Gender Pay Gap (%) 0%
Mean Bonus Pay Gap (%) 48%
Median Bonus Pay Gap (%) 51%
Proportion of Males Receiving a Bonus (%) 2%
Proportion of Females Receiving a Bonus (%) 2%

Explaining the Metrics :

  • The mean gender pay gap shows the difference in average hourly pay between men and women.
  • The median gender pay gap compares the midpoint hourly pay for men and women.
  • Bonus gaps reflect differences in bonus payments.
  • The proportion of employees receiving bonuses shows the percentage of male and female employees who received bonus payments.
Quartile Pay Bands 
The distribution of men and women in each pay quartile to show representation across different pay levels.
                           Total Staff 
  Male  Female 
Lower Quartile 45% 55%
Lower Middle Quartile 50% 50%
Upper Middle Quartile 50% 50%
Upper Quartile 54% 46%

Actions to Address the Gender Pay Gap
Outline the initiatives your organisation is taking to close the gap. Examples include:
  1. Recruitment and Promotion Policies: Ensuring equal opportunities in hiring and career advancement. We ensure job postings use inclusive language in order to attract a diverse pool of job candidates.
  2. Flexible Working Arrangements: Supporting work-life balance for all employees. We offer working from home to staff (where position allows remote working) and flexible working hours (again where the position allows this).
  3. Training and Development Programs: Staff training and development is encouraged and supported by UCD Campus Sport and Leisure where the training is appropriate to the employee’s employment.
  4. Monitoring and Reporting: Regularly reviewing pay and bonus data to assess progress.
Statement from Senior Leadership
As a company, we are committed to addressing the gender pay gap and fostering an inclusive culture where everyone can achieve their full potential. This report outlines our progress and our continued efforts to ensure pay equity for all.

Published: 19 December 2024