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UCD Student Feedback

UCD operates a confidential, online student feedback system to ensure that students are given a voice in the module enhancement process as part of UCD's evidence-based quality assurance of educational offerings.

Student Feedback Trimester Overview

This roadmap shows the Student Feedback process for each trimester. You can track the process and actions you can engage in at each point in the trimester.

UCD Student Feedback Roadmap

Support and Resources

The Student Feedback Team are available throughout the survey setup period to help with any queries you may have. You can book an appointment with a team member (opens in a new window)by clicking here

Training videos for using the system are available at the section below or by clicking here

Guidance documents are also available for using the various system features, see below:

UCD Student Feedback - How to use the Evasys Instructor Portal For UCD Student Feedback Surveys

UCD Student Feedback - Creating a Lecturer Teaching Survey

UCD Student Feedback - How to add Instructor Optional Questions to module evaluation surveys.

We want to know how UCD should go - Student Feedback

Project Background

Following a university-wide consultation during 2019, there was agreement that the current student feedback on modules system should be changed to reflect the need to increase student response rates, close the feedback loop to students and to provide a mechanism for faculty to capture feedback on their teaching.  

A pilot of the new system began in Spring 2023 with seven pilot schools:

  • College of Business
  • School of Civil Engineering
  • School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore
  • School of Law
  • School of Physics
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Veterinary Medicine

Following a review of the pilot, the University Management Team approved a full University roll out of the new system and processes for Spring 2024. The system was successfully rolled out in Spring 2024.

New Student Feedback System

To deliver the enhancements requested by students and staff to the student feedback process, a new system was procured - evasys. Evasys is a market-leading course evaluation software currently used in universities across the UK and Ireland. The benefits for students and staff of this new system include:

  • evasys is integrated into Brightspace, allowing students to easily access their surveys
  • Instructors can also access their Instructor portal through Brightspace
  • Dedicated Instructor Portal accessed using UCD login credentials
  • More options for promoting surveys with students
  • New functionality for closing the feedback loop with students

During the review of the pilot, students and faculty welcomed ‘closing the feedback loop’ functionality. The improved mechanisms to promote with students were also noted to be helpful. 

Image providing a preview of the Module Feedback Survey

Module Feedback Survey

This survey allows schools and module coordinators to focus on areas that are of importance in the context of the programmes that they offer.  

  • Questions appropriate to School Context The survey has 4 core questions and two open commentary questions. Module coordinators can choose to add optional questions designed by the Module Coordinator or chosen from a list. 
  • Response to students - closing the feedback loop The feedback system facilitates the Module Coordinator to provide a general response on all feedback received on a module thus closing the feedback loop. It also facilitates faculty to provide context on feedback received to Head of School etc.
  • Guidance to students about appropriate feedback The survey includes guidance to students about what is considered appropriate feedback and how it should be conveyed. 
  • Change in reporting of average scores to frequency of responses Reporting has been amended to to show frequency of responses to each scale item, not the average score on the scale as is currently the case. 
  • Support Quality Review Process This survey can be used by Schools to support the Teaching and Learning section under Quality Review

Image providing a preview of the Lecturer Teaching Survey

Lecturer Teaching Survey

This new, optional survey is designed to support Lecturers in their own teaching journey and allow an opportunity for reflection about different teaching approaches. 

  • Evaluates your teaching. This survey allows Lecturers who are teaching on the module (as opposed to the module coordinator) an opportunity to have their teaching evaluated 
  • Gives you choice. Lecturers can choose which module they wish to be evaluated thus giving choice.  Lecturers can choose more than one module per year to be evaluated if they so wish
  • Lecturer Teaching Survey Questions. Core questions developed from faculty consultation with 2 open commentary questions.  Additional or optional questions are also available for adding to the survey
  • Clear guidance to students on submitting feedback. The survey includes guidance to students about what is considered appropriate feedback and how it should be conveyed. 
  • Response to students - closing the feedback loop The feedback system facilitates the Lecturer to provide a general response on all feedback received on their survey thus closing the feedback loop. It also facilitates the Lecturer to provide context on feedback received to Head of School etc.
  • Change in reporting of average scores to frequency of responses System will have the facility to show frequency of responses to each scale item, not the average score on the scale as is currently the case. 


Please see below key dates for Student Feedback surveys in Autumn trimester 2024/25.

  • 7 March - 4 April

    Survey setup. Surveys available to module coordinators and lecturers to review and add optional questions. Module coordinators, Lecturers and Co-lecturers can opt in to the Lecturer Teaching Survey

  • March - May 2025

    Student Feedback Team available for 1:1 sessions for support

  • 7 April 2025

    Module Feedback and Lecturer Teaching Surveys open for students

  • 7 April - 2 May 2025

    Survey fieldwork remains open. Students receive weekly reminders. Module coordinators and lecturers receive response rate notification.

  • 2 May 2025

    Surveys Close
    Survey result available
    Faculty can close the feedback loop with students

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main changes to the Student Feedback Process?

The main changes to the Student Feedback Process are ;

  • new surveys: the Student Feedback on Modules Survey has been replaced with two new surveys: Module Feedback and Lecturer Teaching Surveys
  • new system: surveys will no longer be run in Infohub. A dedicated course-evaluation platform, evasys, has been introduced to run the surveys
  • closing the feedback loop: the new system facilitates closing the feedback loop with students
  • new timeline: surveys will be open during weeks 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the trimester to facilitate improved promotion with students and timely closing of the feedback loop
What has happened to date with Student Feedback Project? 
  • Following the university-wide consultation, two new student feedback surveys have been developed – a Module Feedback survey and a Lecturer Teaching Survey. 
  • To implement the recommendations of the consultation and deliver a new student feedback system for UCD, a Steering Group and Project Team were established.
  • A tender process was conducted in late 2022 to procure a new system to operate the two new surveys. The tender was awarded to Evasys, a market-leader in the provision of evaluation software and the provider of such systems to many higher-education institutions in the UK and Ireland.
  • A pilot to test the new system has been in operation since the Spring trimester 2022/23
  • This pilot was reviewed and approved for rollout across the university in Spring trimester 2023/24

More information on the background to the project is available in the 'Work to Date' area of our website, click here. 

Who participated in the pilot?

The following UCD schools participated in the pilot:

  • UCD College of Business
  • UCD School of Psychology
  • UCD School of Law
  • UCD School of Physics
  • UCD School of Veterinary Medicine
  • UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore
  • UCD School of Civil Engineering
When will the new system be available outside the pilot schools?

The new system was approved by UMT for rollout across the university for the Spring trimester 2023/24. 

Which modules will be included as part of the Module Feedback Survey?

All eligible modules will be included in the Module Feedback Survey. The criteria around used to decide on module inclusion is that which applied in the previous system in Infohub.

Which modules will be included as part of the Lecturer Teaching Survey?

This is an optional survey and teaching staff decide individually which module they would like to put forward for a teaching evaluation. Lecturers must have a relevant teaching role in the Module Access Management System (Module Coordinator, Lecturer, Co-Lecturer) to be able to opt-in to the Lecturer Teaching Survey.

How will Students receive information about the project?

Students will important updates via email and can find out more information at the dedicated 'Student' area of this website, click here.

How will Staff receive information about the project?

Staff will receive regular communication via email, College Executive and Town Hall presentations. Regular drop in sessions will also be offered, click here for schedule and here to go to the dedicated 'Staff' area of this website.

Who do I go to for support and information? 

This website will be updated regularly with key information and resources. The Student Feedback Team will be available to provide support and answer any queries you may have, please contact (opens in a new window)studentfeedback@ucd.ie 

UCD Institutional Research

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1088/1502 | E: studentfeedback@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)
