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Regulations and Policy

The University Academic Regulations are a set of formal rules governing the University's educational offerings. The Regulations create a framework that will guide and support you and your supervisor(s) through your research programme.

The Academic Regulations cover the following programmes

(a) General Regulations (Undergraduate and Graduate Taught Programmes)
(b) Regulations for Research Masters Degrees
(c) Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
(d) Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD)
(e) Regulations for the Doctor of Nursing (DN) and Doctor of Midwifery (DM)
(f) Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Governance (DGov)
(g) Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medical Specialisation (DVMS)
(h) Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Educational Psychology

The Regulations are supported by academic policy, procedures and guidelines. These outline your role and responsibilities in the process, provide you with guidance on how to prepare your thesis for submission, the specific thesis submission steps and information on your thesis examination (viva voce).

(opens in a new window)Policy on Theses in Graduate Taught Programmes
(opens in a new window)Policy on Theses in Graduate Research Programmes
Guidelines for Preparation, Submission, Examination and Dissemination of Research Degree Theses

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
