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In-Person Scheduled Exams

UCD In-Person Exam Information

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Directions to Exam Venues

In-person exams at UCD are held in the following exam venues:

Seat Numbers

Your seat number, when available, is listed on your personalised timetable in your SISWeb account and will also be displayed on notice boards at the exam venues. You will have a different seat number for each exam. If you can’t find your name on the list, speak to an exam helper. Be sure to check your seat number close to the exam date, as it may change.

Exam helpers

Exam helpers will be available in the RDS and Newman exam venues to assist you. They will be easily identifiable by their bright orange t-shirts.


CCTV is in operation by the RDS for the purpose of their estate management and health and safety only. It is not used to monitor exams, these are overseen by UCD invigilators.   

Classrooms available on campus

I am attending an in-person exam followed by an online exam, is there somewhere on campus I can sit my online exam?
Yes, rooms are available on both the Belfield and Blackrock campuses. Spaces are limited, the rooms are unsupervised, and there are only a few charging points available.

Rooms available for online exams during the exam session:

Blackrock Campus: LT1
Belfield Campus: NT1 located on the ground floor of the Newman Building.

It’s important to know the UCD Examination Regulations before your exam. Any breaches may be reported to the UCD Assessment Office in Registry and the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office, which could lead to disciplinary action.

The following regulations are particularly important,  

You must have your UCD Student Card (UCARD) with you in the Exam Hall. If you do not present your UCARD, additional identity checks will be carried out.
Before entering the exam hall, make sure you know how to turn off your mobile phone and any other electronic devices, such as smartwatches which transfer data. Using, or even having these devices turned on during the exam, is a serious violation of exam regulations. 
 No unauthorised materials (e.g. books, notes, post-its, water bottle labels etc.) are allowed in the Exam Hall. 
Do not remove any UCD examination materials (including the exam paper) from the exam hall.
  At all times, follow the instructions given by invigilators.


What steps should I take to avoid accidentally breaching exam regulations?

  • Wash any writing off your hands and arms.
  • Ensure you have your UCARD with you.
  • If you have a phone, smartwatch which transfers data or any electronic device with you,  know how to switch it off completely and place it face-up under your desk it where it can be seen.
  • Follow all instructions issued by the invigilators. 
  • Take a moment to make sure you have no notes, paper, post-it's (including blank paper sheets) in your possession or on the desk.
  • If you do find during an in-person exam that you have notes or your phone/electronic device on your person, alert an Invigilator. It will result in a report being made, but your openness and honesty will be noted.

Mobile Phones/Electronic Communication Devices

Is there somewhere I can leave my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device?

Yes, you can leave your mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device in the cloakroom at the RDS Exam Centre, Newman Exam Centre, and Blackrock Exam Centre. All items are left at the owner's risk, and UCD is not responsible for any theft or damage.

Alternatively, you may bring your devices into the exam hall, but they must be completely switched off and placed under your desk.

What happens if I use my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device during the exam?
The use or attempted use of a mobile phone, smartwatch which transfer data or any other electronic device is not permitted during an examination (unless the use of this device is specifically confirmed by UCD Access and Lifelong Learning through a Needs Assessment prior to the exams, for reasons such as medical)and constitutes a major breach of the UCD Examination Regulations are liable to disciplinary procedures and serious penalties.

All mobile phones/smartwatch/electronic devices must be fully switched off when inside the exam hall.  These items must be placed under your desk, kept in clear sight and students are required to follow invigilators' instructions in this regard. No items may be taken to the toilet.

What happens if my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device rings or the alarm goes off during the exam by mistake?
If a mobile phone, smartwatch or any electronic device is found powered on, rings or emits an alarm, this constitutes a minor breach of the UCD Examination Regulations and will be reported to the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office.

If my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device is confiscated in the exam centre, where and when can I collect it? 
Once the exam has concluded, approach an exam helper who will lead you to the exam centre office to collect your device. All devices must be collected as soon as the exam has concluded. UCD does not accept responsibility for confiscated devices. 

UCD Student Cards (UCARD)

Will I be allowed to sit an exam if I don't have my UCARD?
Yes. However, you will have to complete a Breach of Examination Regulations form and will be reported to the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office.  Additional identity checks may be carried out by an invigilator.

Where can I get a replacement card?
Replacement UCARDs may be obtained at the UCard Bureau, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin 4. There is a fee of €20 for replacing lost cards.

What happens if I have another exam on the same day or I cannot get a replacement UCARD before my next exam?
You will have to complete a Breach of Examination Regulations form each time you arrive at the exam hall without your UCARD, each incident will be reported to the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office. Additional identity checks may be carried out by an invigilator. 

What do I do if I have not received my external funding and therefore I am unable to obtain my UCARD?
You will be permitted to sit your exams.  However, you will have to complete a Breach of Examination Regulations form. Additional identity checks may be carried out by an invigilator.

What happens if I leave my UCARD behind me in the exam centre?
All UCARDs will be retained in the exam centre which it was left until the end of the exam session. If you have further exams, you should arrange to collect your UCARD immediately from the exam centre.

If I lose my UCARD in the exam centre is there a lost property office where I can collect it?
You should speak to one of the exam helpers in the exam centre.

Where can I get a new UCARD?
UCD student cards are available from the UCard Bureau, James Joyce Library, Belfield, Dublin 4.

If I forget my UCARD, will my passport, driving licence or another form of photo ID be accepted as a form of identity?
No, you cannot use a passport, driving licence, or any other form of photo ID as a substitute. According to the examination regulations, you must have your UCARD with you, and it should be displayed on your desk during the exam.

Unauthorised Material

What can I bring into the Exam Hall? 

  • You must bring your UCARD and writing implements such as pens and pencils.
  • You should wear layers of warm clothing and you can wear your coat/jacket in the exam hall. 
  • We would also suggest you bring your own bottle of water (with the label removed). Non-electronic earplugs are also permitted.
  • You can also bring your own hand sanitiser and facemask if you wish to wear one.
  • Depending on the instructions of your Module Coordinator you may also need a calculator (you will be informed whether the calculator is to be non-programmable or programmable).
  • Electronic devices (powered off), pencil cases, glasses cases and wallets must be placed under your desk or in a location instructed by an invigilator and should not be accessed during the exam.
  • All items brought into the Exam Hall may be searched by invigilators 

Use of Calculators

What type of calculator can I bring to my exam? 
Programmable calculators are generally not permitted during examinations, unless your Module Coordinator specifically allows their use on the exam paper. UCD invigilators are trained to identify the difference between non-programmable and programmable calculators, so it's essential to ensure you have a non-programmable calculator before the exam. You can verify this by searching the make and model of your calculator online. Additionally, you may also find the (opens in a new window)state commission list helpful in aiding your search.

Use of Dictionaries

In most cases, dictionaries are not allowed during UCD exams. However, students on international exchange programmes, whose native language is not English, are permitted to bring a hard copy, monolingual English dictionary into the exam.

If a Module Coordinator decides to allow the use of a dictionary for an exam, this permission will apply to all students sitting that exam. The details about using a dictionary, including any restrictions, will be clearly stated on the front of the exam paper and communicated to you at the start of the module. If it is not stated on the front of the exam paper, dictionaries are not permitted.

On the Exam Day
What can I bring to my exam? 
  • UCARD: You must have your UCARD with you for entry into the exam hall.
  • Writing Materials: Bring your own pens and pencils to complete your exam.
  • Dress Comfortably: We recommend wearing layers of warm clothing. You are allowed to wear your coat or jacket in the exam hall.
  • Water: It’s a good idea to bring a bottle of water, but remove the label before entering the exam.
  • Earplugs: You can use non-electronic earplugs during the exam.
  • Calculator: If your Module Coordinator has instructed you to bring a calculator, be sure to bring the correct type (non-programmable or programmable, depending on their guidance).
  • Personal Items: Items like electronic devices (which must be powered off), pencil cases, glasses cases, and wallets must be placed under your desk or as directed by the invigilator. These items should not be accessed during the exam.
  • Optional: You can also bring your own hand sanitiser and a facemask if you wish to wear one.

Note: All items brought into the exam venue are your responsibility and may be searched by invigilators. UCD is not liable for any loss or damage to personal belongings.

What happens if I was registered late to an exam?

If you register for an exam after the exam schedule has been finalised, you will still be able to sit your exam. However, note the following:

  • Personalised Timetable: Your exam will not appear on your personalised exam timetable.
  • Seating Lists: Your name will not appear on the seating lists.
  • RDS Venue: If your exam takes place in the RDS or the Blackrock Exam Centre, you will be seated in the X-section.

When you arrive at the exam centre, let an Exam Helper know that you’ve registered late. They will guide you to your seat. Invigilators will record your details and provide you with the necessary exam paper and answer booklets.

What happens if my exam is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions or power outages?

If, due to unforeseeable circumstances such as adverse weather conditions or power outages, your exam has to be cancelled, you will be notified, via your UCD email account, of the new arrangements. If there is a disruption during your exam, follow the invigilator’s instructions. 

 I Am Feeling Anxious and Need to Talk to Someone. What Should I Do?

It’s common to feel anxious during exams, and it’s important to know that support is available. If you need someone to talk to, you can reach out for help.

  • Who Can I Talk To?
    Student Advisers and chaplains are available to provide support to students experiencing difficulties during this time.

  • How Do I Contact Them?
    Visit the Student Adviser website or the chaplain’s website for contact details.

Don’t hesitate to ask for support; reaching out can be very helpful.

At the Exam Centre:
What do I do when I arrive at the exam centre?

If your exam is taking place in the RDS:

  • The RDS will be open 30 minutes before your exam start time
  • Proceed to the main entrance (ask one of the onsite Exam Helpers if you don’t know where this is)
  • Have your UCARD ready to be inspected (if wearing a facemask, you will be asked to briefly remove your mask for this)
  • Know your seat number in advance - you can find this under ‘My End of Trimester Exam Timetable’ in your SISWeb Account
  • A cloakroom will be available to store your belongings. Have your belongings ready to be checked into the cloakroom to avoid congestion
  • Proceed into the hall and take your seat
  • Follow the directions of the invigilators/Exam Helpers at all times

If your exam is taking place in Newman Centre: 

  • The Newman Centre will be open 30 minutes before your exam start time
  • Proceed to room A105, the Newman Exams Office, where you will be allocated your exam room
  • Have your UCARD ready to be inspected (if wearing a facemask, you will be asked to briefly remove your mask for this) 
  • You will be asked to leave your belongings in a designated area. 
  • Proceed to your allocated room and take your seat
  • Follow the directions of the invigilators/Exam Helpers at all times
  • Note that you may required to sit your exam in a room in the Arts Annexe, the building behind the Newman Building. A member of staff in A105 in Newman will provide you with directions to the room in question.

If your exam is taking place in the Blackrock Exam Centre:

  • The Blackrock Exam Centre will be open 15 minutes before your exam start time
  • shuttle bus service is operated between Belfield and Blackrock by UCD Estate Services
  • Proceed to the main entrance of the Blackrock Exam Centre
  • Have your UCARD ready to be inspected (If wearing a facemask you will be asked to briefly remove your mask for this)
  • Know your seat number in advance - you can find this under ‘My End of Trimester Exam Timetable’ in your SISWeb Account
  • A cloakroom will be available free of charge to store your belongings. Have your belongings ready to be checked into the cloakroom to avoid congestion
  • Proceed into the hall and take your seat
  • Follow the directions of the invigilators/Exam Helpers at all time
What happens if I am late for my exam?

You must regularly check your personalised exam timetable to ensure you know the dates/days and start times of your exams. 

If you are late for an exam session and the exam is still ongoing, please approach an Exam Helper or Invigilator to confirm if it is possible to be permitted entry. 

As per the UCD Examination Regulations, students will, except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Invigilator-in-Charge: 

  • not normally be admitted to an Examination Hall if they are more than fifteen minutes late. 
  • not be permitted to leave an Examination Hall until one hour has elapsed after the time at which the examination began. 
  • Students who have left an Examination Hall will not be permitted to re-enter.

If you have missed your exam, inform your module coordinator as soon as possible.

What should I expect from invigilators during my exam?

Invigilators are responsible for ensuring a fair, secure, and organised exam environment. Follow all instructions provided by invigilators at all times, including completion of any required documentation. 

  • ID Verification: Invigilators will check student IDs to confirm identity and prevent unauthorised access.
  • Routine Checks: To ensure compliance with exam regulations, invigilators may carry out routine checks. This can include asking students to empty their pockets, inspecting any additional materials or items brought into the exam hall, or requesting that hats be removed for inspection. 
  • Conduct and Academic Integrity: Invigilators may approach a student if they observe any behaviour that appears to breach exam regulations. Students must comply with any requests made by the invigilators, who will provide information on the subsequent process.
  • Guidance and Support: They will guide you through key steps, including starting, managing time, and finishing the exam.
  • Health and Safety Assistance: If you feel unwell or need support, raise your hand, and an invigilator will arrange assistance.
  • Materials Collection: At the end of the exam, invigilators will provide instructions on returning and signing in all exam materials.
What does my exam paper look like?
  • Cover Page: The first page of your exam paper includes key details such as the module title, module code, exam duration, and materials permitted during the exam (e.g., graph paper). In line with UCD’s inclusivity initiatives and the Official Languages Act, headings on the cover page appear in both Irish and English, with Irish appearing first. All instructions on the cover page are provided in English.
  • Exam Questions: The main body of the paper contains the exam questions, presented in the language of instruction for the module, typically English (or another language if relevant to the module).
  • Formatting: Clear and structured formatting is used throughout the paper to help you navigate the questions easily. Sections may be divided by headings or numbering.
What do I do if I cannot hear an announcement in the exam hall?

Raise your hand immediately to attract the attention of an invigilator.

Will there be noise during my exam?

UCD will do its best to minimise noise during exams, but as exam centres are in busy areas, it may not always be possible to avoid outside noise. Additionally, some inside noise may occur due to the presence of other students and exam invigilators. UCD appreciates your understanding and will strive to keep the environment as quiet as possible.

Can I wear earplugs during my exam? 
Yes, you are allowed to wear non-electronic earplugs during your exam.
What if I feel unwell during my exam?

If you feel unwell during your exam, nurses and/or paramedics are available to support you. Raise your hand to alert an invigilator, who will arrange assistance.

What if I have a question during my exam?

Raise your hand for the attention of an invigilator.

What if I witness an incident that breaches the UCD Dignity and Respect Policy?

UCD encourages everyone in our community, including students, to help foster a culture where inappropriate behaviour is not accepted. If you witness behaviour that breaches our Dignity and Respect policy, you can play a role as an active bystander.

Visit the UCD Dignity and Respect website for resources on how to safely intervene, seek support, and access reporting tools.

What do I do when I have finished my exam?
  • If You Finish Early
    Raise your hand to let an invigilator know.

  • Stay Seated
    Remain seated until an invigilator comes to you.

  • Gather Your Materials
    Place all your exam materials, including any unused sheets, inside your question paper. Hand everything to the invigilator when they instruct you.

  • Sign for Your Materials
    The invigilator will ask you to sign to confirm your exam materials are returned.

  • Exit Promptly
    Collect your belongings from the cloakroom and exit the exam hall without delay.


Parking is available at both Belfield and Blackrock campuses. For details on paid parking permits, or hourly visitor parking, visit the UCD Estates website.

During the exam period, students can also park at the RDS. The daily rate is €7 per car, payable on arrival. No online booking is required, and you can pay using a credit card, debit card, or cash when you arrive.

Alternatively, you can purchase parking tickets through the Apoca Connect Ireland App, available for download from your preferred app store.

If you experience any issues, contact NCPS:

  • Phone: +353 1 6349805
  • Fax: +353 1 6349815
  • Email: admin@ncps.ie 

Multiple Choice Question Exams (MCQs) provide you with a range of questions or statements with a number of possible answers, where one or more of the answers are correct responses and the other answers are distractors.

MCQ answer sheets are corrected by machine and require careful completion to ensure you receive an accurate exam result. Below are some general instructions.

General instructions

  • Mark the answer sheet with a HB pencil only
  • Choose only one answer per question
  • Never cross out an answer. Use a clean eraser only and erase carefully
  • Make sure there are no marks except in designated areas on the answer sheet
  • Do not crease or fold the answer sheet
  • Do not perforate, staple, or attach anything to the answer sheet

Filling in the Answer Sheet

  • Name: Write your name in the grey box provided
  • Module: Write the module code of the exam you are sitting in the grey box provided as appropriate to the answer sheet
  • Date: Fill in the date of the exam in the grey box provided
  • Seat Number: Write the seat number in the grey box provided, if applicable
  • Student Number: Your student number must be both written and marked in the box provided. Your seat number should be written beside your name as per the examples below

The correct way to mark an answer (sample shown is the most frequently used of 4 sheet types in the university):

MCQ instruction

What to Do if You Have an Infectious Illness Before Your Exam

If you are experiencing symptoms of any infectious illness, such as COVID-19, flu, or similar, close to an exam, it’s essential for your wellbeing and the health of others that you take appropriate steps to avoid spreading illness. Review the guidance below to understand your options and responsibilities.

Do Not Attend the Exam Hall if You Are Contagious

  • Stay Home if Unwell: If you have symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, or any signs of a potentially infectious illness, do not attend the exam venue. Coming to an exam while unwell can put others at risk, so we ask all students to consider this carefully.

Seek Medical Advice and Documentation

  • Contact a Healthcare Provider: Speak with your GP or a healthcare provider for advice on managing your illness and to confirm your condition.
  • Obtain a Medical Certificate: If your illness prevents you from sitting the exam, request documentation to support your absence.

Notify the University and Explore Alternative Options

  • Inform Your School and Programme Office: Contact them as soon as possible to notify them of your situation. They can guide you on next steps and any alternative arrangements.
  • Submit an Extenuating Circumstances Form: To formally record your absence and explore alternatives, submit the Extenuating Circumstances form along with your medical documentation.
  • Seek Additional Support: Your UCD Student Adviser is also available to provide guidance and support, helping you navigate your options.

UCD is committed to supporting faculty and students in embedding and nurturing a culture in which academic integrity flourishes. Academic integrity requires every member of the UCD community to act ethically, honestly and fairly. The UCD Academic Integrity Policy mandates that all students:

 -         Act honestly and with integrity in all academic matters related to their modules and assignments.

-          Review the educative materials provided by the University and complete any self-assessment as directed.

-          Familiarise themselves with the expectations outlined in the module descriptors for each module.

-          Understand that any breach of the UCD Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure and/or the Student Discipline Procedure.

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
