It’s important to know the UCD Examination Regulations before your exam. Any breaches may be reported to the UCD Assessment Office in Registry and the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office, which could lead to disciplinary action.
The following regulations are particularly important,
You must have your UCD Student Card (UCARD) with you in the Exam Hall. If you do not present your UCARD, additional identity checks will be carried out. |
Before entering the exam hall, make sure you know how to turn off your mobile phone and any other electronic devices, such as smartwatches which transfer data. Using, or even having these devices turned on during the exam, is a serious violation of exam regulations. |
No unauthorised materials (e.g. books, notes, post-its, water bottle labels etc.) are allowed in the Exam Hall. |
Do not remove any UCD examination materials (including the exam paper) from the exam hall. |
At all times, follow the instructions given by invigilators. |
What steps should I take to avoid accidentally breaching exam regulations?
- Wash any writing off your hands and arms.
- Ensure you have your UCARD with you.
- If you have a phone, smartwatch which transfers data or any electronic device with you, know how to switch it off completely and place it face-up under your desk it where it can be seen.
- Follow all instructions issued by the invigilators.
- Take a moment to make sure you have no notes, paper, post-it's (including blank paper sheets) in your possession or on the desk.
- If you do find during an in-person exam that you have notes or your phone/electronic device on your person, alert an Invigilator. It will result in a report being made, but your openness and honesty will be noted.
Mobile Phones/Electronic Communication Devices
Is there somewhere I can leave my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device?
Yes, you can leave your mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device in the cloakroom at the RDS Exam Centre, Newman Exam Centre, and Blackrock Exam Centre. All items are left at the owner's risk, and UCD is not responsible for any theft or damage.
Alternatively, you may bring your devices into the exam hall, but they must be completely switched off and placed under your desk.
What happens if I use my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device during the exam?
The use or attempted use of a mobile phone, smartwatch which transfer data or any other electronic device is not permitted during an examination (unless the use of this device is specifically confirmed by UCD Access and Lifelong Learning through a Needs Assessment prior to the exams, for reasons such as medical)and constitutes a major breach of the UCD Examination Regulations are liable to disciplinary procedures and serious penalties.
All mobile phones/smartwatch/electronic devices must be fully switched off when inside the exam hall. These items must be placed under your desk, kept in clear sight and students are required to follow invigilators' instructions in this regard. No items may be taken to the toilet.
What happens if my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device rings or the alarm goes off during the exam by mistake?
If a mobile phone, smartwatch or any electronic device is found powered on, rings or emits an alarm, this constitutes a minor breach of the UCD Examination Regulations and will be reported to the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office.
If my mobile phone/smartwatch/electronic device is confiscated in the exam centre, where and when can I collect it?
Once the exam has concluded, approach an exam helper who will lead you to the exam centre office to collect your device. All devices must be collected as soon as the exam has concluded. UCD does not accept responsibility for confiscated devices.
UCD Student Cards (UCARD)
Will I be allowed to sit an exam if I don't have my UCARD?
Yes. However, you will have to complete a Breach of Examination Regulations form and will be reported to the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office. Additional identity checks may be carried out by an invigilator.
Where can I get a replacement card?
Replacement UCARDs may be obtained at the UCard Bureau, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin 4. There is a fee of €20 for replacing lost cards.
What happens if I have another exam on the same day or I cannot get a replacement UCARD before my next exam?
You will have to complete a Breach of Examination Regulations form each time you arrive at the exam hall without your UCARD, each incident will be reported to the UCD Student Engagement, Conduct, Complaints and Appeals Office. Additional identity checks may be carried out by an invigilator.
What do I do if I have not received my external funding and therefore I am unable to obtain my UCARD?
You will be permitted to sit your exams. However, you will have to complete a Breach of Examination Regulations form. Additional identity checks may be carried out by an invigilator.
What happens if I leave my UCARD behind me in the exam centre?
All UCARDs will be retained in the exam centre which it was left until the end of the exam session. If you have further exams, you should arrange to collect your UCARD immediately from the exam centre.
If I lose my UCARD in the exam centre is there a lost property office where I can collect it?
You should speak to one of the exam helpers in the exam centre.
Where can I get a new UCARD?
UCD student cards are available from the UCard Bureau, James Joyce Library, Belfield, Dublin 4.
If I forget my UCARD, will my passport, driving licence or another form of photo ID be accepted as a form of identity?
No, you cannot use a passport, driving licence, or any other form of photo ID as a substitute. According to the examination regulations, you must have your UCARD with you, and it should be displayed on your desk during the exam.
Unauthorised Material
What can I bring into the Exam Hall?
- You must bring your UCARD and writing implements such as pens and pencils.
- You should wear layers of warm clothing and you can wear your coat/jacket in the exam hall.
- We would also suggest you bring your own bottle of water (with the label removed). Non-electronic earplugs are also permitted.
- You can also bring your own hand sanitiser and facemask if you wish to wear one.
- Depending on the instructions of your Module Coordinator you may also need a calculator (you will be informed whether the calculator is to be non-programmable or programmable).
- Electronic devices (powered off), pencil cases, glasses cases and wallets must be placed under your desk or in a location instructed by an invigilator and should not be accessed during the exam.
- All items brought into the Exam Hall may be searched by invigilators
Use of Calculators
What type of calculator can I bring to my exam?
Programmable calculators are generally not permitted during examinations, unless your Module Coordinator specifically allows their use on the exam paper. UCD invigilators are trained to identify the difference between non-programmable and programmable calculators, so it's essential to ensure you have a non-programmable calculator before the exam. You can verify this by searching the make and model of your calculator online. Additionally, you may also find the (opens in a new window)state commission list helpful in aiding your search.
Use of Dictionaries
In most cases, dictionaries are not allowed during UCD exams. However, students on international exchange programmes, whose native language is not English, are permitted to bring a hard copy, monolingual English dictionary into the exam.
If a Module Coordinator decides to allow the use of a dictionary for an exam, this permission will apply to all students sitting that exam. The details about using a dictionary, including any restrictions, will be clearly stated on the front of the exam paper and communicated to you at the start of the module. If it is not stated on the front of the exam paper, dictionaries are not permitted.