What is online document publication?
This service enables UCD students/graduates to access many of their key UCD documents from their SISWeb account. Students/graduates can give these documents to third parties (such as local grant authorities, Social Welfare offices, education verification companies, prospective employers, other universities, banks, etc) either in hard copy (by printing them from SISWeb) or as an e-mail attachment.
Students are able to enable/disable their documents for verification at any time through their SISWeb account.
If the student has enabled verification, the recipient will be able to verify the authenticity of the document and its contents by going to www.ucd.ie/verify and entering the personal ID code and the unique, 16-digit alphanumeric Document ID code listed on the bottom of the document.
If the student has not enabled verification, the recipient will receive a message denying them access to the document.
How does a third party verify UCD's online documents?
First, a student will need to send the third party the document. Alternatively, they can simply send the third party the Person ID and Document ID found at the bottom of the document. A third party can then verify the document by going to www.ucd.ie/verify and entering the Person ID and Document ID into the required fields. They will also need to enter their own name for auditing purposes. The third-party will then be prompted to complete a CAPTCHA to prevent illicit phishing of confidential information. This will enable the third party to view the document as it appears on UCD's system.
How secure is it?
- Documents can't be viewed online unless the student/graduate has enabled verification
- No one will be able to access online records without the correct combination of Person ID and Document ID. The Document ID is a randomly generated, 16-digit, alphanumeric code that is only available on the document distributed by the student. The chances of someone correctly guessing this combination is considerably greater than one in 1,000 trillion!
- Having entered the correct combination of codes, the recipient must complete a CAPTCHA test ((opens in a new window)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA) to prevent illegal phishing of student data.
Important information for document recipients (Data Protection)
UCD provides this online verification mechanism to enable third parties to authenticate UCD documents that students have chosen to publish. Please note that the student retains the right to disable verification of their documents at any time.
UCD recommends, under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 2018, to keep these documents and their contents secure from unauthorised access, disclosure, destruction, or accidental loss. Access to this data is intended for verification purposes only and should not be used for any other function.