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Official Documents FAQs

Electronic Documents

To access electronic versions of your official documents, follow the steps below:

  • Log into (opens in a new window)SISWeb (username is your UCD Student number). If you have never changed your password, it will be your 6-digit date of birth (format DDMMYY). If you can't remember your student number, please AskUs.
  • Current students, navigate to Registration, Fees & Assessment > My Official Documents > Electronic Documents
  • Alumni, navigate to  Academic Services > Official Documents > Electronic Documents  
  • "Enable" your documents for verification by clicking the "click to enable access" button to the right of the document
  • Click on the link for the document that you want to access to download a pdf of the document

Please note that due to the complexity of some student records &/or grading systems, there will be cases where some graduates' records are not suitable for online documents & will therefore need to order & pay for a hard copy transcript. Examples of this include BA (Evening), Graduate Research pre-2006, BBLS & BComm (Intl.) graduates in 2007/08. UCD apologises for any inconvenience caused in such cases. 

Students who began their programme in UCD from 2000 onwards can access their official documents online via SISWeb immediately free of charge *. 

* Due to the complexity of some student records &/or grading systems, there will be cases where some graduates' records are not suitable for online documents & will therefore need to order & pay for a hard copy transcript. Examples of this include BA (Evening), Graduate Research pre-2006, BBLS & BComm (Intl.) graduates in 2007/08. UCD apologises for any inconvenience caused in

Students who began their programme prior to 2000 will not have online documents but can order hard copies of their documents through SISWeb.

Students who began their programme from 2000 onward can access a pdf of their electronic documents via SISWeb. The documents, which are available in pdf format are as follows:

  • Certificate of Attendance (confirms your registration)
  • Academic Transcript
  • Academic Statement
  • Diploma Supplement
  • Statement of Results

Students can give third parties (such as Local Grant Authorities, Social Welfare offices, education verification companies, prospective employers, other Universities, banks, etc) their electronic documents either in hard copy (by printing them on plain paper) or as an e-mail attachment.

Students can enable/disable their documents for verification at any time in SISWeb by clicking the "click to enable access" or "click to disable access" button which is beside the relevant document. 

If the student has enabled verification, the recipient will be able to verify the authenticity of the document & its contents by going to www.ucd.ie/verify & entering the person ID code & 16-digit alphanumeric document ID listed at the bottom of the document. 

If the student has not enabled verification, the recipient will receive a message denying them access to the document.

The electronic documents are very secure!

Third parties can not view your electronic documents online unless you have given them a copy of your document or given them the Person ID and Document ID listed at the bottom of your document & you have enabled the document for verification.

No one will be able to access online records without the correct combination of the person ID and Document ID. The Document ID is a randomly-generated, 16-digit, alphanumeric code that is only available on the specific document. The chances of someone correctly guessing this combination are considerably greater than one in 1,000 trillion!

Having entered the correct combination of codes, the third party must complete a CAPTCHA test ((opens in a new window)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA) to prevent illegal phishing of student data.

Students who studied at UCD from 2000 onward

You can submit your electronic documents to WES directly.  WES has confirmed that your documents do not need to be sent directly from UCD.  To submit your documents to WES, follow the steps below:

  • Log into (opens in a new window)SISWeb (your username is your UCD student number.  If you have never changed your password, it will be your 6-digit date of birth in the format DDMMYY)
  • Current student, go to Registration, Fees & Assessment > My Official Documents > Electronic Documents
  • Alumni, go to Academic Services > Official Documents > Electronic Documents
  • Click the "enable access" button next to the document you want to send to WES (this is normally your )
  • Click on the document that you want to send to WES to generate a pdf of that document.  Toward the bottom of the document (underneath the registrar's signature), there are 2 unique ID codes (Person ID and Document ID)
  • Send an email to (opens in a new window)submit@wes.org with 'UCD documents' & your WES reference number included in the subject line.  Include the Person ID & Document ID in the body of the email along with the address of UCD's verification website (www.ucd.ie/verify).  You can also attach the pdf of your document to the email (but this is not necessary).
WES will then be able to verify your document by going to www.ucd.ie/verify and entering your specific ID codes.

Student who studied at UCD prior to 2000

Electronic documents are only available to students who studied from 2000 onward.  However, you can order a hard copy of your documents via SISWeb & have them sent to WES.  For information on how to do so, refer to the question "How do I submit hard copies of my UCD documents to WES" in the section below.

General information for all students

  • WES has confirmed that the Academic Records Request form does not need to be included with the documents that you submit.
  • If you need to provide your degree certificate (parchment/scroll), please contact the(opens in a new window) National University of Ireland (NUI) to request this. The NUI produces all of the parchments.

Hard Copy Documents

Current students, former students & alumni of UCD can order hard copies of their official documents via SISWeb. Your SISWeb remains active indefinitely after you leave UCD, so you will never lose access to it. To log in toSISWeb, you will be asked to enter your username and password.

Yourusernameis your 8-digit UCD student number. Yourpassword(if you never changed it) is your 6-digit date of birth (format DDMMYY).  If you have forgotten your student number or password, pleaseAsk Us.

Once logged in to SISWeb, you can order hard copies by following the steps below:

  • Click on 'Registration, Fees & Assessment' (alumni, go to Academic Services).
  • My 'Official Documents'.
  • 'Request Hard Copy Documents'.
  • Select 'New Request' & choose the documents that you would like to order.
  • Enter your address, contact information & any additional comments you'd like us to know about your order (upcoming deadlines, etc) in the 'alternative address/comments/contact info' section.
  • Proceed to Checkout.

More information on Hard Copy Documents.  If you began your programme from 2000 onward you can access electronic official documentsin SISWeb instantly, free of charge.

UCD has a long-standing agreement with the management of the Teaching Council whereby  they accept both our online academic transcripts (for those who started in or after 2000) & our online syllabus  (course content from 2000 onwards).

ECTS Info:

  • All Teaching Council applicants will generally require confirmation of the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits of their UCD award.
  • UCD online transcripts from 2006 onward display ECTS credits as standard.
  • For pre-2006 UCD alumni we can provide a Certificate of Attendance confirming ECTS equivalency, you can order this via our AskUs page.

Course content info:

  • Post-2000alumni go to our Syllabus info: select year & programme from the drop-down menu & the relevant syllabus information will appear.
  • Pre-2000alumni we can provide certified course content (module descriptors), you can order this via our AskUs page.

For European language CEFR B2 supporting documentation see this link.

Students who began their programme from 2000 onward can come into the Student Desk during opening hours and in the vast majority of cases, we can print your hard copies for you on the spot.  Note that we only accept credit/debit card payments and can not accept cash.

Official documents for students who studied prior to 2000 take significantly longer to produce and must be ordered through (opens in a new window)SISWeb.  If you studied prior to 2000 and need help ordering your documents through SISWeb, we will be happy to help you with this in person, over the phone, or via email.

Generally speaking, it can take up to 10 working days for requests to be processed. Levels of demand can fluctuate at certain times during the year (i.e. January, June & September) but we will endeavour to process all requests as quickly as possible. It should be noted that documents that require research from our older records will take longer.

Documents are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. However, if you have a specific deadline by which you need to submit your hard copy documents, it is always advisable to include this deadline in the "comments" section of the order form.

Students who studied in UCD prior to 2000 order a hard copy via SISWeb:

  • Log into SISWeb (your username is your UCD student number.  If you have never changed your password, it will be your 6-digit date of birth, format DDMMYY)
  • Navigate to Academic Services > Official Documents > Request Hard Copy Documents > New Request
  • Click on the Alternative Address/Contact Information/Comments button
  • Enter the WES postal address in the "Alternative Address" field. 
  • Enter your WES reference number in the "Comments" field. Save.
  • Select the documents you want to be sent to WES
  • Proceed to checkout
  • Documents will be sent electronically to WES. Additional copies you order will be posted to you. 

More information:

  • The Academic Records Request form does not need to be included with the documents that you submit.
  • If you need to provide your degree certificate (parchment/scroll), please contact the National University of Ireland (NUI)

We will be happy to send the hard copies of your documents directly to a third party.  When you order hard copies of your documents, you will be sent 2 sets of every document that you order.  If you would like one set sent to you & one set sent to a third party, including both addresses in the "additional address" field.  If the third party needs your documents sent in a university-sealed envelope, include this information in the "comments" section of the document request form.

Standard post

All documents in UCD are sent via standard post unless otherwise requested at the time that you order your documents. Note that documents sent by standard post can take several weeks to reach destinations like China and Singapore.

Registered post

If you would like your documents sent by registered post, include this request in the "comments" section of the order form.  If you request your documents to be sent via registered post, we will send you the tracking number once we receive it from the UCD mailroom.

Express post/Courier

UCD does not send documents via express post or courier.  If you would like your documents sent via courier, you will need to make these arrangements yourself.  You can use any of the courier companies such as EPS, DHL, Fed Ex, UPS, TNT, etc as they all collect from UCD. 

Below is an example of how you can place a delivery booking with DHL.

You should be able to make an international booking with DHL for collection in Dublin for delivery to your country.  You will need to contact DHL International and create an account, which begins with the number 95 or 96. Then you will be able to make the booking with DHL in the country you are in, for DHL in Dublin to collect your documents and send them to your country.

Our postal address for collection is Student Desk, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.  If you need to provide a contact person, you can use the name Éamonn Ó Méalóíd and telephone number 00 353 (0)1 7161586. Once you make the courier arrangements, you will be emailed a delivery label from DHL.  Once you receive the label, sent it (opens in a new window)via this link (selecting "what postage/courier methods are available" in the second drop down menu)  The label must be included with your documents for DHL to accept them.

Requests for hard copy documents can take up to 10 working days to process. Postage is not included in this timeframe, particularly if the post is being sent internationally (it may take up to 10 weeks for post to reach some countries like China or Singapore.  It is important that you allow your telephone number to be on the address so that the postal authority may contact you directly if necessary).

If you would like an update regarding the status of your request please (opens in a new window)contact us with as much detail as you can e.g. full name, student number, order number, date of request, etc.

Yes, you can. Please state in the comments section of your online request form that you would like to come in and collect the documents rather than have them posted to you. You can collect them yourself or nominate someone to collect them on your behalf.  If someone is going to collect them on your behalf, include their name in your online request form.  This person must bring photo ID with them when they come to collect your documents.

If you have a form that needs to be sent along with your official documents, follow the step below:

  1. Order your documents via SISWeb as noted above. In the comments section of the request form, indicate that you have a form that needs to be completed and submitted along with your documents.
  2. Use the Student Desk Connector to send the form to us (Select I would like to submit documentation to the Student Desk from the drop-down list)
  3. If the form requires your personal information and/or signature, ensure that you complete these sections before submitting it to the Student Desk

UCD's official documents are produced on secure paper which includes an array of security features (including a hologram, a watermark, numismatic design, etc). Each document is signed by the Registrar. As an official document of the University, it is accepted throughout the world by third parties.

In a small number of cases, individuals may be requested by a third party to get an official document produced in Ireland (e.g. Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, Academic Transcript, Court document, etc) authenticated, or what is also called apostilled, by the Department of Foreign Affairs (D.F.A.). This overall process is governed by the Hague Convention of 1961. For further information on this process and service provided by the D.F.A., including the Hague Convention itself,(opens in a new window) visit Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade. In summary, this service is provided by the D.F.A. rather than UCD and any queries should be addressed to them.

Some institutions require official documents to be sent directly to them in an envelope that has the University seal stamped along the back flap. If you need your documents sent in a university-sealed envelope, please indicate this in the comments section of the document request form and we will be happy to do this for you

  • Hard copies of Academic Transcripts, Statements of Results & Academic Statements are printed on secure paper. This paper has a number of security features designed to deter attempts at forgery & attempts to fraudulently alter or forge UCD exam results/award documents.
  • UCD uses secure paper in recognition of the value of these documents to our students and graduates, and to the third parties who receive these documents. It is in line with international best practices and addresses the areas of potential threat – false production and document tampering. While we acknowledge that any such threat is extremely rare, UCD is determined to protect the integrity of its examination results/awards documents at all times. 
  • UCD Registry started producing Academic Transcripts, Academic Statements & Statements of Results on secure paper on Monday, 14 February 2011. 

  • Any documents that were produced before this date are still valid UCD documents. Our traditional approach to producing these documents was, in common with many universities, to use headed notepaper, stamped with the University seal on each page, and closed with the use of the Registrar's signature. All such documents produced by UCD before Monday, 14 February are still valid statements of the student's studies. There is no need for students or graduates to request new copies of such documents.

Toner Secure Treatment: This treatment increases the absorbency of the paper significantly increasing the difficulty of doctoring text printed onto the document without damaging the paper.
Watermark: All documents now include a watermark, further increasing their security.
Ultra-Violet Anti-Tamper Technology: Incorporated into each sheet is a background pattern that can only be viewed under UV light. This is virtually impossible to reinstate if fraudulently altered.
Unique Numbering: Each sheet of secure paper is individually numbered using a unique six-digit code.

Additional letters/documentation

If you need a letter with additional information (for example, a student who studied prior 2006, when UCD switched to a modularized system, may need a letter to confirm equivalent ECTS credits or the NFQ level) include your specific requirements in the comment section of the document request form. 

UCD produces most of your official documents, but we don't produce the parchments (this is the document that you received at your conferring ceremony).  Parchments are produced by the National University of Ireland (NUI)

If you need a duplicate copy or translation of your degree parchment you need to contact the NUI directly. Their contact details are included below

National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square
Dublin 2

Tel: +353 1 4392424
Email: (opens in a new window)certs@nui.ie

Students who studied from 2000 onward can access syllabus information/module descriptors in the Curriculum Archive. If you studied prior to 2000, you can request this information in the comments section of the document request form.

For pre-2006 UCD alumni we can provide a Certificate of Attendance confirming ECTS equivalency, you can order this (opens in a new window)via this form. 

UCD produces most of your official documents, but we don't produce the parchments (this is the document that you received at your conferring ceremony).  Parchments are produced by the National University of Ireland (NUI)

If you need a duplicate copy or translation of your degree parchment you need to contact the NUI directly. Their contact details are included below

National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square
Dublin 2

Tel: +353 1 4392424
Email: (opens in a new window)certs@nui.ie

Third-party information

Students should always send you their documents themselves.  Note, UCD can not send a student's electronic document to a third party on the student's behalf as only the student has the ability to enable the document for verification.

In order to verify the information on the document that a student sent you, go to www.ucd.ie/verify and enter the person ID and Document ID into the required fields. These codes can be found at the bottom of the student's document.

Enter your own name (for audit purposes) into the required field.

You will then be prompted to complete a CAPTCHA to prevent illicit phishing of confidential information.

This will enable you to access the document.  The document that you can access through www.ucd.ie/verify is being pulled directly from UCD's database.  You can compare the document that you received from the student with the document that you can access through www.ucd.ie/verify to ensure that all of the details match.

Data protection/Legal

Important data protection information for document recipients:

UCD provides this online verification mechanism to enable third parties to authenticate UCD documents that students have chosen to publish. Please note that the student retains the right to disable verification of their documents at any time. Please note that you are obliged, under the data protection act 1988 and the data protection amendment act 2003, to keep these documents and their contents secure from unauthorised access, disclosure, destruction, or accidental loss. Access to this data is intended for verification purposes only and should not be used for any other function.

UCD treats the fraudulent duplication or amendment of its official documents as a serious offence. Any such action will be considered a breach of UCD Regulations and will trigger disciplinary procedures. Such matters may also constitute a criminal offence and, as such, are liable to be reported to An Garda Síochána.

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
