What is emergency contraception?
Emergency contraception is a safe, effective and responsible method of preventing pregnancy when regular contraception has failed, no contraception was used, and/or in the case of sexual assault. If you act quickly, emergency contraception will usually prevent pregnancy.
Information on Emergency Contraception
Method 1 - Emergency contraceptive pills taken orally
- Ulipristal -Ellaone
- Progesterone -Norlevo or Prevenelle
Both methods of the ECP work by preventing or delaying ovulation, thereby preventing fertilisation.
Both methods of the ECP are available from pharmacies without a prescription or from a doctor or family planning clinic.
Ulipristal (5-day) emergency contraceptive pill (ellaOne)
The main brand of the ulipristal ECP in Ireland is ellaOne. This pill is available from pharmacies without a prescription or from a doctor or family planning clinic. It must be taken within 120 hours (5 days) of unprotected sex but is most effective the sooner it is taken. Evidence to date supports the ulipristal ECP (ellaOne) as being more effective than the progesterone ECP.
Progesterone (3-day) emergency contraceptive pill
The most common brands of the progesterone ECP in Ireland are Norlevo and Prevenelle. This pill is available from pharmacies without a prescription or from a doctor or family planning clinic. It must be taken within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex but is most effective the sooner it is taken.
How to take the emergency contraceptive pill
- Take the ECP as soon as possible after unprotected sex.
- Inform the doctor or pharmacist if you are on any other medication. A small number of medications may reduce the effectiveness of the ECP and you may need a different dosage or an IUCD (see Method 3: Copper Intrauterine Device)
- If you vomit within 3 hours of taking the ECP, return to the doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible for a second dose or other advice.
- Taking different kinds of the ECP during the same cycle is not recommended as they work in different ways. If you need a second dose during your cycle, you must use the same ECP as your first dosage.
- Use other methods of contraception after taking the ECP as it does not provide contraception for the remainder of your cycle. In fact if ovulation is only delayed, you could well be fertile in the following weeks.
- Be aware that there is a small risk of failure and you may still become pregnant.
- The ECP does not work if you are already pregnant.
What should I look out for after taking an emergency contraceptive pill?
If you have taken an emergency contraceptive pill, go to a doctor or family planning clinic if:
- Your next period is more than 5 days late
- Your next period is unusually light or heavy
- You experience severe lower abdominal pain
Side effects of taking the emergency contraceptive pill
There are no long-term effects from using the ECP. However, some women may feel sick, dizzy or tired, or may get headaches, breast tenderness, diarrhoea or lower abdominal pain. These symptoms should improve within a few days. You may have some bleeding before your next period is due or your period may come early or up to one week late. A very small number of women will vomit. (See Taking the Emergency Contraceptive Pill).
There is no evidence to show that taking the ECP will affect your future fertility or that repeated use makes it less effective or causes harmful.
Method 2: Copper Intrauterine Device (IUCD or ‘copper coil’): This is not currently available in the UCD Student Health Service
The IUCD is fitted by a trained doctor, either in a general practice, a well woman clinic or family planning clinic. It is not currently available in the UCD Student Health Service
An IUCD, also known as a copper coil, works as a method of emergency contraception as it may stop an egg being fertilised or implanted in your uterus (womb).
A trained doctor fits an IUCD in your uterus (womb) up to 5 days after you have had unprotected sex. If you need to return to have the IUCD fitted, you may be advised to take the ECP in the meantime.
An IUCD is the most effective method of emergency contraception available. It will prevent more than 9 out of 10 (99%) pregnancies expected to occur if no emergency contraception was used. It can also provide ongoing contraception if you wish to use this method. In a small number of cases, it may not be possible to fit an IUCD.
While an IUCD can be fitted up to 5 days after unprotected sex, it is not as widely available as the ECP and it takes time to be fitted. You should therefore make an appointment as soon as possible
An IUCD may be suitable if you:
- Want to use the most effective method of emergency contraception
- Do not want, or cannot, take hormones
- Wish to use the IUCD as an ongoing method of contraception
Both methods of the ECP (emergency contraception pills) are available directly from (opens in a new window)pharmacies without a prescription, or from a doctor or family planning clinic.
The IUCD is fitted by a trained doctor, either in a general practice, a (opens in a new window)well woman clinic or (opens in a new window)family planning clinic . It is not currently available in the UCD Student Health Service.
Unplanned Pregnancy
An unplanned pregnancy may leave you feeling worried and uncertain. You may
have strong and conflicting feelings about your pregnancy.
If you have an unplanned pregnancy and wish to discuss all your options, including termination of pregnancy, then please book an appointment with one of our UCD Student Health doctors, on 017163134, or your GP, or another doctor providing unplanned pregnancy support. We recommend you make an appointment as soon as possible.
Further information about options can be found at (opens in a new window)https://www2.hse.ie/services/unplanned-pregnancy/
(opens in a new window)My Options is a freephone helpline. Freephone: (opens in a new window)1800 828 010 . It provides information and judgement-free counselling to anyone having an unplanned pregnancy.
All crisis pregnancy and abortion care in Ireland is free with a PPS number.
There will be a charge for services without a PPS number but this may be refundable once you get a PPS number.
Emergency contraception is free for medical card holders.
It is also free under the government free contraception scheme for 17- 35 year olds with a PPS number (opens in a new window)here. Otherwise there will be a charge.