News and Information
News 2018
Further information on Gaisces relationship with UCD and RCSI, and the Sugar Tax.

Additional information Links
The following links are interesting sources of information on health issues associated with Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption.
The link entitled 'Chronic Disease Statistics Joe Rogan and Chris Kresser', is taken from Joe Rogan's Podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience. Chris Kresser is an Author, Ancestral health, Paelo Nutrition, Functional and Integrative Medicine Specialist. In this video Chris and Joe talk about the recent Centre for Disease and Control and Prevention report on Diabetes. Some staggering statistics are revealed
The next link entitled 'Sugar Calories and the bodies response' is taken from a documentary titled 'Fed Up', which is an examination of America's obesity epidemic and the food industry's role in aggravating it. In this video, the differences between a calorie absorbed from a sugary drink is compared to one from an Almond, with medical expert Dr Robert Lustig (Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco) explaining the difference and how the body responds to each.
The final link entitled 'The Bigger Picture Campaign Dean Schillinger', is of a lecture given by Dr Dean Schillinger at the University of Maryland, where he talks about his campaign to raise awareness of pre-diabetes in children of color.