The Sugar Tax Challenge
UCD,RCSI, and Gaisce have joined together and created a unique skill development opportunity for the president's award participants. To find out more, have a browse through the contents below.
About The Study
This is a citizen science research study design by the researchers at UCD & RCSI, and in partnership with Gaisce President's Award. These studies are designed to meet two of the Key Challenges for the Bronze Award (Community Envolvement and Personal Skill), as well as fit the timeline required for this award (26 weeks), which will be broken up into two parts.
Part 1: The Sugar Tax Challenge - Observational Study
Students will create their own arguments by critically analysing several informative periodical pieces (informed by literature), made available to them by the researchers at UCD and RCSI, that they will later discuss in the form of an essay and/or an in class discussion. Additionally, these same students will be asked to collect primary observational data from their own environments where these products are sold (local community) and make specific inferences on these settings. Students will then be asked to collect survey data from their peers regarding the social influences, environmental conditions, and psychological factors that affect their consumption behaviours. Finally students will be asked to reflect on Part 1 of the study and produce either a reflective essay, or a presentation, both of which should highlight the skills that they feel they have developed while taking part in the programme. This portion of the study will take place over a 13 week period before the Christmas break.
Part 2: The Sugar Tax Challenge - Experimental Study
Under the guidance of experienced researchers, participants in this programme will act as citizen scientists, administering educational posters based on psychological theory as well as surveys designed to capture their effect. The educational messages will be displayed over a three week period, with surveys measuring consumption and attitudes administered before and after exposure. If Gaisce participants feel capable, they will run analysis on the results and note any changes in consumption rate of SSBs. Like in part 1 of the programme, Gaisce participants will then be asked to produce a presentation or reflective essay highlighting the skills they have developed during the Sugar Tax Challenge Experimental Study.
For more information on both parts of the study, please refer to the materials available under the 'Observational Study' and 'Experimental Study' tabs.